Do you want amazing success and satisfaction in your business?

Today I took my two dogs to the vet.  I was telling Dr. Rockwell, our long time vet about Razz’s (our Australian Shepherd) reluctance to walk on the kitchen floor. He has no problem on any other surface but the kitchen floor is a whole different ball game for him.

Dr. Rockwell thought he may have wiped out recently and now has a fear of the floor. This is challenging as his food dish is in the kitchen and he has to come in to eat as well as go outside. He went on to say that sometimes dogs have something happen and then have a fear about it happening again and so they are hesitant or avoid it all together.


I asked if we should move his food dish elsewhere and he said no, it will take some time but he’ll get over it. He went on to say he’ll have to face his fears.

This was intriguing to me since the clients I work with have their own fears that they are facing and overcoming in order to make more money in their business and have a life they love. It got me to thinking how interesting it is that we aren’t the only ones who have things happen and then have a fear around it.

My big take away from today is that there will always be a fear of something and it’s by facing and overcoming it that we triumph over it. And that triumph is where the real joy and accomplishment come from. So next time you are fearful of something don’t move your food bowl, think about how great it will feel when you overcome it.

Notice I said when and that is because I know you will. As I have and my clients have overcome our fears you will too.

Jump in and share your experience or feel free to email me privately at I’d love to hear what you have to say.

[Tweet “I say I am stronger than fear. — Malala Yousafzai”]


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