Recently I was on a group training call and my coach (I work with her privately too) said to me something that was sweet to my ears. She said: “Kim, you always show up.” I was the only one who did. Because I showed up, I was able to have additional coaching as if it were a private 1/1 session. I walked away with new knowledge and a plan about how I can take my business to a new level that I wouldn’t have gotten had I not shown up.
Why was I so happy to hear her say that? Well…I never used to show up! I used to be that person who would say I wanted to do something then not do it, I’d sign up for programs and classes and either not show up (hey, I was busy) or show up but not do the work (I was busy, remember)! I hate to admit it but it is true. I let myself down all the time.
I’d say I wanted to do x, y and z and then I wouldn’t do it. I’d let other things get in my way, other people, other priorities (other people’s priorities), you name it, I did it.
One day though it hit me (think 2×4 across the head — ouch), I was only letting myself down and that was no longer ok with me. It definitely had something to do with the dwindling bank account and wondering how I was going to pay my bills for my business and live my life but it also had something to do with seeing other people be successful in business.
I stopped and asked myself what they were doing differently than I – lots of things I know, but one thing that I kept seeing is that they weren’t waiting for anything, they just kept showing up and so I decided that’s what I’d do.
To this day, I’m constantly in awe of the way people let themselves down. Let’s take business. Are you someone who signed up for things, a program, a coach, a class yet don’t get the results you want?
If you said yes, ask yourself if you are showing up and by showing up I don’t mean to the class/call, etc. I mean fully, participating, doing the homework, the next actions, asking questions.
And if you aren’t, keep in mind that when you don’t show up you simply cannot get the results you want.
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As someone wanting to be successful in your business, tell me:
- Why would you let other things constantly get in your way if you are serious about getting results?
- Why if you sign up for a program that would help you and that you paid for, wouldn’t you make it a top priority to show up?
- Why would you sabotage yourself that way?
The funky thing is that when people do this they complain or are pissed off that they aren’t getting (or didn’t get) the results they wanted and will blame others. Come on, if you don’t want to show up for whatever reason, that’s on you. I show up because I’m all about being at the cause of change and my success (and because one 2×4 across the head was enough for me to get it).
What will it take for you to get it?
I’d love to hear your comments on this, pop over to my Facebook page and answer me this: what the heck are you waiting for?
Feel free to share as much or as little as you’d like! And if you want to share privately, I’d love that too. Email me at