When it comes to results, there is more to it than laying out goals. It’s about setting powerful intentions.
What is your intention?
How many times have you said or even heard “It wasn’t my intention to do that.” For the most part those words are uttered after something happened that either didn’t go well or wasn’t something that you wanted.
When that happens usually it is because there was no aforethought. It’s usually a dive in and get going. Kind of like driving blind, you just get going and hope for the best. Well that isn’t any way to get results.
Setting an intention means to have a purpose, an aim, to have meaning. Yes, it is important to quantify your results. Writing down I will make $10,000 by June 30, is a powerful goal and adding a powerful intention in terms of purpose to go along with that means that you will see results.
Let’s take a look at setting an intention for the $10,000 by June 30.
- To make $10,000 by June 30 (quantifiable)
- I will show up for my business in a confident and assertive way.
- I will hold myself as powerful no matter what.
- I will take powerful actions:
- To speak to 10 previous clients about working together again.
- To follow up with potential clients to make an offer to work together now.
- To track and keep all income and expenses up to date.
As you can see, there are some intentions that are focused on your way of being and then there are intentions that are focused on actions. The things you will do that will help you attain your result. Each one is an important part of the result equation, to have one without the other results in less than what you want out of your goal.
The best way to be productive, purposeful and profitable is to:
- Set specific intentions
- Write down your specifci intentions
- Review daily
- Take consistent action
Here is the beauty of setting goals with powerful intentions, you immediately set yourself up for success. You will know exactly what it is you will do in order to work toward your goal throughout the time frame you have given yourself.
So many people let themselves down by choosing general goals without intentions, when they don’t reach them they feel like they have failed. When you set those powerful intentions, write them down, review them daily, and take consistent action you have no choice but to succeed.
Even if let’s say, you did not make $10,000 by the end of June, but you took specific action daily, you have won. Can you see that failure is not an option?
The other thing that happens when you set and follow your intentions is that you give yourself some insight into what perhaps didn’t (and of course, what did) work so that you can easily course correct. The ultimate end result here is to continuously stay on target by taking action, reviewing the results that come out of taking action and course correcting accordingly.
Are you ready? Good! I’m excited to hear how it goes for you. Email me your goals and intentions at kim@kimravida.com along with the time frame you set for yourself. I’ll be here to support you in any way during your goal time and after the time frame is over, you’ll be able to write again to share your results!
Here is a resource for you if you are truly interested in reaching your goal, it’s called the Freedom Journal. Click here to go to the website and order your own copy.