As entrepreneurs and business owners, it is easy to just jump in and get caught up in the doing or running a business.
Believe it or not there are essential steps that you can take in order to create a successful and profitable business. Here is a brief overview of those essential steps:
- Know your why. Why did you go into business in the first place? Was it to make more money, have more time, be your own boss, be in charge of how things were handled? What was your reason for going into business. When things get going and sometimes they get going fast and become out of control, when you can remember your reasons for wanting to go into business for yourself you’ll be less likely to give up and throw in the towel.
- Create your roadmap. The saying is true, if you don’t have a plan, then any road will get you there and usually not the “there” where you want to be. What is your outcome, then what is your first step to getting you there, your second, and so on. When you have a well thought out plan you will be able to reach your destination with a lot less pot holes.
- Be a good time user. When in business for yourself time is usually not on your side. Being very clear about what you will use your time for is a key component for success in business. Otherwise you’ll be that person who never seems to be able to get anything done or relied upon to come through and that is not a good place to be in your business.
- You must understand the financials. Not knowing your numbers means that you can definitely kiss a successful and profitable business bye-bye. Your numbers do not lie. They tell a story, it’s up to you to decide if you want that to be a happy story or a horror story. Tracking your income and your expenses at the very least is an absolute must. Do not underestimate the power of knowing your numbers inside and out.
- Mindset Mastery. A strong, positive mindset is the biggest key to a successful and profitable business. Your mindset will either propel you forward or hold you back. And my guess is that as a business owner you want to be propelled forward. When you are feeling as if you do want to throw in the towel, ask yourself “what is one thing I can do to change my thoughts right now?” It’s a powerful question and you will receive an answer, once you do, take action as if your business depended on it, because it does.
[Tweet “While pain may be impossible to avoid, suffering indeed is optional, why let yourself suffer? Kim Ravida”]
I suggest you begin at #1 and start to implement that this upcoming week and then go on to #2 and so on. Whether you have an established business or just getting started each of the essential steps will help you become extremely skillful in your business so that you enjoy more of what you want, money, success, joy!
Love those steps and want more to help you succeed? Download now my free e-book 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That Is Profitable. It’s normally $7.99 but it’s your’s for free for a limited time so don’t delay, get it now! The e-book comes with a companion workbook for you to use to put each of your steps into action.
I know that by taking action, you will receive amazing results! Once you read it and take action, be sure to email me at and let me know what step made the most difference for you.