Do this important step when launching your business

There comes a time in every business owner’s existence when they start to wonder just why they thought they wanted to own their own business.

That time is usually when the money is running out, or there is no money coming in. It’s a holy-“youknowwhat” moment.

AND It’s always a great moment for you to remember why you went into business for yourself.

ebook - your why

One essential step in launching a business is to know your why. The reason that you went into business for yourself in the first place. It’s super easy to get caught up in the doing of getting a business started and running. That’s why when you lose focus of your reasons why remembering them can bring you back to your center and help you get on track.

In my 5 Essential Steps to Creating a Successful Business That Is Profitable e-book I lay out 5 essential steps, and the first step is to Know Your Why. It’s what keeps everything in perspective for you. It’s what keeps you honest, focused and motivated.

If you are feeling as if you have lost your focused, are frustrated because you aren’t making the money you thought you would, or just down on yourself, it may be time to come back to your why.

Check in to see if you are on target with what your vision was for your business. And if you skipped that part, not to worry, take 5-10 minutes of quiet time to sit and think about your reasons for opening your business and then think about the future and what you want your business to be like.

I guarantee if you do that, you’ll find your why and your motivation will return and you’ll be able to get back on track!

If you’d like a step-by-step guide, download my free e-book now to get started, it has a companion workbook that you can use to refocus your vision or even create a brand new one and it’s free for a limited time.

In the meantime, if you’d like more specific-to-you help, let me know and I’d be happy to set up a complimentary time to talk with you to get you started, simply email me at

I’d like to leave you with this:

[Tweet “”A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” –Winston Churchill”]

Which one do you want to be?



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