You have the power to generate energy.
I was watching a video from Brendon Burchard and he said such an intriguing thing that made me stand up and take notice.
He said that power plants don’t have energy, they generate energy.
His philosophy is that we have the power to generate our own energy, motivation and action. That got me to thinking, so often we take the easy way out. Have ever heard someone say (or even said yourself):
- I’ll do it later.
- I’ll start tomorrow.
- I will leave this here for now.
Well my friend, if you have, not to worry, but know that when you do you basically snuff out your own energy. So if you are someone who would like to have more results, notice the times that you do snuff your energy out. Recognize what is it you are doing, how are you feeling and why you are letting yourself down.
How to generate your own energy.
Another word for energy is motivation, how can you motivate yourself so that you reach your goals, get what you want and find yourself successful?
Here are several ways in which you can do so:
- Uplevel your mindset. What you think truly impacts your energy. If you are feeling blah and dull and like a loser, you won’t have the energy or even be able to muster it in order to take action on your goals. Think about a time when you were energized and motivated, what were you doing, what were you thinking? Use that feeling to energize you to take action on your goals.
- Stop listening to other people. Only you can know what is truly right for you. Only when you begin to listen to what is right for you will you excel and find everlasting energy within you to go after what you want.
- Clean your environment. If you are constantly letting yourself down, it may be your environment. External energy gets stagnant. Dust your home or office, vacuum, empty trash notice how you feel, it’s hard not to feel energized after you have engaged in moving things around and cleaning. It’s a really simple way to generate your own energy.
- Just stop. Oftentimes we get caught up in doing something that we fail to realize that maybe we shouldn’t continue doing it. If you find you are getting stuck, frustrated and angry, just stop what you are doing. You can come back to it later, if you still feel the need.
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It’s all you!
Keep in mind that only you can generate your energy and so it is true too that only you can generate your own motivation. No one else can do it for you. So what will you do to reach your goals, dreams and desires?
Decide right now on one of the above ways in which you can use to get started!
Get my free e-book and read the section on Mastering The Mindset. It will give you more ways in which to uplevel your mindset. Download my free e-book now! It even has a companion workbook that you can use to get starting immediately.