It’s all in the way of your attitude

Got Attitude?

Mindset QuoteHave you said about someone else that you didn’t like their attitude or that they had an “attitude”?

Or, what about when you were growing up?  There were times when I heard “I don’t approve of your attitude” or “You better change your attitude, young lady”. What about you? And did you even know what ‘attitude’ meant?

Back then for me it meant I better behave in a way that made someone else happy or else I might be punished. Interesting, eh?

Attitude defined

When I looked up the meaning of attitude, the dictionary told me:

Personal view of something:
  an opinion or general feeling about something

Challenging Manner:
 an arrogant or assertive manner or stance assumed as a challenge or for effect

The other thing I discovered was that attitude also means mindset! AH, exactly what I was looking for. See, your mindset will determine your outcomes. In business, your mindset has everything to do with your success (or failure). Your mindset (attitude) will either propel you forward or hold you back.

How to use your mindset/attitude for success

Think about your business right now. Is it everything you want it to be?
Are there things you have wanted to do, yet have not done? Why not? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What are you afraid of?

[Tweet ” “The #1 thing that can eliminate your fear is to take action.” – Kim Ravida”]

Here are few questions for you to use to shift your mindset/attitude:

  • What is the outcome I want to experience?
  • What is one action I can take to get started?
  • What is the worst that can happen?

Start with those and if you’d like more questions and tips download my free e-book. You’ll also get additional steps to creating a successful business that is profitable! The e-book has a companion workbook for you as well that will help you create the business success you know that you can have!

Share your thoughts and comments on my blog or email me back personally; I love hearing from my subscribers!


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