It’s all about the health of you and your business

Fitness photo - blog 10-20-16What does health mean?

Health, it’s such a buzz word. Everywhere you go you hear “I want to get healthy” but what exactly does that mean? It means different things to different people. For an athlete it means one thing and for someone who is sick it means something completely different.

What does it mean to you?

Getting healthy doesn’t have to be a chore.

I’ve worked in the health & fitness industry for a long time. One of the things that I try to teach others is that getting healthy doesn’t have to be a chore. It doesn’t have to be hard, nor do you have to spend tons of time on it.

What it does have to be is a lifestyle that you choose.  As a business owner, one of major assets is your health, your personal health. I want to make sure I’m really clear here, that means your physical, mental and emotional health. Because the saying is true. If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.

[Tweet “If you develop the habits of success, you will make success a habit. Chinese Proverb @KimRavda”]

How it can be easy.

Start very small, I mean s-m-a-l-l. Here are several ideas:

  • Exchange one glass of soda for a glass of water a day for 5-7 days (or more if that’s what it takes) then increase from there.
  • Eat one new vegetable or fruit each week.
  • Park just a bit further from where you are going and increase it each week (or more if that’s what it takes).
  • Take 30-60 seconds and stand up to stretch.
  • Spend 30-60 seconds breathing slowing, inhaling and exhaling equally.

Yes, I have tons more ideas for you but if you are just getting started or thinking it is going to be hard and that you can’t do it, small is what will bring you the success you need to be healthy.  Trust me, biting off more than you can chew (pun intended) will get to exactly where you are and that’s not healthy.

Here is a quick video that can help you get started, it’s simple and you can do it in about 30 seconds, heck you can do it as you watch it. So click and watch, then share with me what you did!


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