How to create your business success
I was reading Daymond John’s book The Power of Broke where he tells readers “Remember, you are the brand.” It’s a very powerful reminder. One that many business owners forget. And if Daymond John is saying it you know it’s something to listen to since he’s all about business success.
If you are a fan of Shark Tank, you know that many times the Sharks invest in the person. I know I’ve watched and thought “wow, I can’t believe they invested in that.” What the Shark was doing was investing in the person. One of the best things you can do for your business success it to own your brand. Your brand is so much more than a logo and colors.
Your brand is so much more than your logo
Your brand is a combination of elements that all add up to your brand is the PROMISE of an EXPERIENCE.
Your brand is an opportunity for you to create:
- Meaningful, thought-provoking connections with your customers and clients
- Focus, intention and energy for you in building your business
Ways you can create an amazing brand for business success
There is so much more to your brand than a logo and a tagline or something snazzy. Yes, those are parts of your brand and they all lead to brand awareness, you however, want to create that meaningful, thought-provoking connection with your customers and clients so that they will be loyal to you for a long, long time.
In order for you to do that in such a way that it leads to your business success answer each of the following questions:
- What is my Unique Brilliance?
- What am I a Stand for in my business?
- What am I an Expert at?
- What is my Brand Promise?
- What are my Brand Values?
- What is my Brand Client Experience?
- What is the Personality of my Brand?
If you would like to learn more about your Unique Brilliance click here. In upcoming blogs, we’ll discuss in depth each of the above-mentioned questions but for now, go ahead and answer the questions for yourself, it’s a great start. I know you are interested in creating an amazing brand so give yourself at least 30 minutes to answer the questions.
Keys to Improving Your Brand
As you answer the questions, keep in mind the brand you have (if you have a brand at this moment) and whether or not it is the brand you want to have in the future. If it is, great, how can you improve upon it? If it isn’t what do you want your brand to convey? What do you want it to say about you? What do you want your customer’s/client’s experience to be?
Now is a great time to look to the future and the experiences your customers and clients get and will get from doing business with you.
Once you answer the above questions, shoot me an email at and tell me what you discovered, what you are excited about and how will knowing what you now know lead you to your business success!