Do you know what your target market struggles with?


I hope you can answer YES! I sure do!  If not, then it’s time that you do.

Time To Get Clear On Who and What Your Target Market Struggles With

One thing that I have noticed (myself included – as I’ve been there too) is that service professionals like to think they can help everyone.  It’s a kind of “leave no one behind” mentality.

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I get it, I really do – when I first started out I balked at learning what specifically the people I wanted to work with struggled with because I believed I could help with everything. I can remember when I was in coaching school, I was on a call with my mentor coach and she was talking about choosing a target market and I was so set against it.  I’m not a very vocal participant on a call but on that call, boy I sure was.

I felt I had to defend my reasons for why I felt I could help everyone. Fast forward to today and now I know without a doubt that that’s one sure fire way to fail. I’ll repeat that, not being dialed in to what your target market struggles with is a sure fire way to fail – yup, cause I failed.

What Changed My Mind.

My mind started to quickly change when I didn’t have any clients and I wasn’t getting any clients. What I was getting when I networked or talked with people about what I did was “That’s nice” and end of conversation. No one was interested. And of course, with no one interested, I wasn’t making any money and I knew I had to do something different. I remembered that call with my mentor coach and so I thought, “well, heck, I’ll get specific with a target market and learn more about what they struggle with and see what happens.”

Here Is What Happened.

As you might expect, a funny thing happened, I not only learned what their challenges were, I saw clearly what I did that helped them solve those challenges. As the saying goes “light dawns on marblehead” and I really saw that I couldn’t help everyone (side note: not everyone wants to be helped) and I could only help those that connected with me and what I did.

Kind of a no-brainer, I know but still you’ll be surprised. Maybe you are shaking your head thinking “Kim, you are so wrong.” I respect that and let me share with you a few bits of information that might have you thinking differently.

My previous blog post was about having a system for attracting clients. You can read it here.

Reasons You Want to Choose Who You Work With.

  • Marketing your business will be easy. You have one message that just those you want to reach will see and say yes to.
  • You’ll easily be able to talk about what you do. With your one message, you will always know what to say and never walk away thinking, “no why didn’t I say x?”
  • It gives you direction. You will no longer waste time talking to people who are not your “peeps”.
  • Time and money will be used wisely. You will no longer waste time or money doing things that do not lead you to your goals and spending money on marketing or opportunities you think might help you. Where you spend your time and money will be specifically where you want them to be.
  • It puts you in a place of confidence. Knowing exactly what you do, how you help and who you work with gives you a confidence that will motivate you to grow your business in exceptional ways.

I hope you can see why it’s important for you to be at choice! What WILL you choose?

Would you like an easy way to discover your target market or to expand the one you already have? Sign up below for my FREE 7 Day Client Attractor Challenge. In 7 days you will know exactly who your target market is, where they are and what to do to reach them!

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