You are 100% responsible for your results.
I say this a lot. And it’s so true. Yet, there are a lot of people out there who do not take responsibility for what they want and blame others because they don’t have it.
I hope that isn’t you. Though if it is and you are resonating with what you just read, have no fear. As of this moment, you can change it. You can have your life be different and you can truly be the boss of you.
Be YOUR Difference.
If you are willing to take on the mindset of “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me”, here is what I would like you to know:
“The victim mindset dilutes the human potential. By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we greatly reduce our power to change them.” –Steve Maraboli
Did you see the part about WE greatly reduce OUR power? You have the power to make changes in your life.
- What changes would you like to make that you may have been thinking it’s up to someone else to do?
- Where may you be wanting to do something, yet have been feeling like it’s someone else’s fault that you haven’t been able to do it?
- How are you letting someone else be the director of your life?
You are your greatest champion, your greatest supporter, your greatest cheerleader and the greatest leader of you!
[Tweet “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me. –William H. Johnsen”]
Create Your Absolute List.
What do you want in your life that you don’t have now?
Create a list of what you absolutely want to have in your life. Take a look at your list and ask yourself what your top 3 items on it are. Put this list in a prominent place in your life, these will be your target goals. Without a target to focus on, you’ll never have any direction and you will never get there.
These will be the goals that you will work on, take regular actions on and move forward on regularly to see results.
Eyes on the Prize.
In order to be the difference and reach the successes that you want in your business and in your life you must stay on target. Having laid out that target by creating your absolute list, you now have a starting spot. Here are some things to help you stay on target:
- Create an action items list. This list will contain everything you will do to reach your goal.
- Create your timeline. This will be your beginning and end dates and the actions you will do in the middle that move your toward your end result.
- Bring in support. This can be anyone who you think will help you, family, friends, a professional, etc.
- Be accountable. Lay out how will you hold yourself accountable for staying on target and taking actions.
- Build in checkpoints. Create points for you to check-in on your progress and results.
- Review and Reassess. Take time to review what you are doing, have done, still need to do. Reassess where you are and what you want.
- Course Correct. If you find you need to course correct, do it. The goal is for you to stay on a target that you want to stay on.
You Are Solely Responsible For Your Results.
In a previous blog, I told you that if you aren’t 100% happy with were you are in your life and in your business, your thoughts may be to blame. And while that is still true, it may be you haven’t had a target or you haven’t stayed on target and so you haven’t been responsible for your results.
This will help you not only be responsible for your results, but have you in the drivers seat so that you can have the power to change your circumstances in your life and in your business!
If you’d like some help creating your target goals and a plan on how to reach them, I’d love to help. Schedule your 30-minute complimentary Productive Planning For Success Strategy Session now.
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