Success is planned, are you ready for it?


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

No, I don’t mean holiday time. I mean, in regards to being in business.

As small business owners it’s the best time to plan for success for the upcoming year.

Too many times I’ve worked with new clients who when asked what their plan is they tell me “I don’t have one.” or “I don’t know.”

Sometimes after I’ve asked the question, I don’t hear anything, just silence. And when that happens I think to myself (to quote Han Solo) “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”.

In order to succeed in any area of your life, you have to plan!

[Tweet “In order to succeed in any area of your life, you have to plan! – Kim Ravida”]

Why planning is important and why you need to do it.

I talk a lot about planning, knowing what to do and then organizing your time to get it done. And this is no different.

Planning is important because if you don’t know what you are going to be doing, how on earth can you do it? Well, you know the answer! You can’t. Planning is integral in business. If you want to succeed, you need to plan to succeed.

As a process person, my goal is to help my clients create their plan for the year (or maybe just one month), get clear on what it is they are doing and then get it into their schedule so that they do it.

Give yourself the gift of clarity.

Here are several ways that you can use right now to get yourself set up for next year:

  • Look at the big picture. What is it that you want to have happen in the upcoming year? What is it that you want to move forward from this year to next. Be honest with yourself, no pie in the sky ideas, just what you truly want to succeed at.
  • Take a look at what worked well this year. Review where things worked out well and where you could perhaps implement that moving into next year.
  • Look at what didn’t work well this year. Review where things didn’t work out so well and note down what you want to let go of.
  • Create step-by-step plans of action. From your answers above, you’ll create your plan of action and come the 1st of January you’ll be ready to go!

[Tweet “Clarity gives you the gift of creating a plan that works for you! -Kim Ravida”]

Clarity gives you the gift of creating a plan that works for you! What better gift could you ask for?!

I’d love to hear from you, what is one thing that you will commit to doing in the upcoming year that will set you up for the success you want? Please post below.

If you would like some assistance setting up your success for next year, schedule a 30-minute complimentary Productive Planning For Success Strategy Session with me. You’ll walk away with a productivity plan for you to get to doing the right things at the right time!

Bonus:  Watch my recent Facebook Live Design Your Success with Purpose Class for more tips and help with designing your success for 2018.

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