I’ll do just one more thing



Are you that person?

How often do you say “I’ll do just one more thing?”

I used to say that daily and one more thing lead to one more and so on. Before I knew it I had added about 100 more things to my to-do list and it still wasn’t complete. And I was working way more than I had planned to. This is called the Squeeze In Syndrome. You know, like I’ll just read one more email, make one more phone call, write one more blog, do one more thing on my list even though I don’t have the time to do it. I’ll just do that one more thing anyway.

If you find yourself saying “I’ll do just one more thing” and often feel stressed out, overwhelmed and exhausted then I recommend you stop doing it right now. Essentially what you are doing is just too much and it’s not going to help you succeed.

I love this photo of the emails, because a lot of us get caught up in doing just one more email…let’s see how doing just one more thing can hurt us.

[Tweet “Too much of a good thing is still too much! -Kim Ravida”]

Hidden Dangers of Doing Too Much.

I live on a main street. It’s a busy street for periods of the day and lots going on. The other day we were at home relaxing when we heard a very loud crash. No screeching of the brakes to warn that something was coming, just a loud crash. Having lived here for some time, we knew what that meant. A car accident. My husband bolted out the front door to see what he could do to help and ended up helping the guy who drove his big F-150 right into a parked car (small compact car) nearly pushing it into a nearby house.

Thankfully everyone involved was physically ok. Though the young kid whose car was demolished probably wasn’t seeing it that way (side note: he said he just got the car – oh my heart breaks for him). Anyway, that aside, the driver of the truck admitted he fell asleep!

He said he’d been trying to do too much. He works as a local fire fighter and had just worked several long shifts and wanted to to spend time with his son and take his son to hockey practice when he fell asleep and ran into the parked car.

Now, I’m someone who can always empathize with others. It’s part of what makes me a great friend and coach. I so felt for each of the parties involved. The dad who was trying to do too much, work to provide for his family, be a good dad, take time to be with his son and the young kid that now has a totaled car because someone was trying to do too much that he ended up exhausted.

It’s time to stop.

This outside view gave me a big pause to think. I don’t usually fall asleep at the wheel as I don’t usually do a lot of driving, but I do often fall into the habit of doing one more thing that ends up sacrificing family time, self time, home time, etc.

It’s time for us as a society to stop doing too much. And to stop expecting others to do too much.

I write and coach my clients a lot about being productive and how to let things go and/or just say no so you would think I would find it easy. I know it isn’t. Yet I am committed to doing it. What about you?

How to just stop.

As you know I love to give practical steps to doing things and not just talk about doing them. Here are several steps to help you go from squeezing in things to do to actually creating a great, do-able to-do list and get things done.

  • Create a master personal to-do list. Do a brain-dump and get everything out of your head in one place [see this link].
  • Create a business/work to-do list. Same as the personal one, only this is just business tasks.
  • Start deleting. What on that list do you think you need to do but if you looked at it objectively you could just delete it, go do that.
  • Streamline your lists. What do you need to do this month, week, day.
  • Schedule it in your calendar. Create time each day in your calendar for you to spend time to get your action items done, then go and do them.
  • Ask for help. Whether it is help from your family or an assistant, sometimes things on your list aren’t really for you to do.

In order for you to be successful here, think about what is most important to you. Maybe your children, family, spouse, personal life. When you do one more thing that takes away from what is most important to you, how does that help you honor what is most important to you?

Hint:  It doesn’t and you end up sending the wrong message to both yourself and those you love.

Tell me what is it that is most important to you, then keep that in mind when you find yourself doing just one more thing.

I’ve been where you may be, having a hard time saying “I’m done for the day”. If you would like help here, schedule a 30-minute complimentary Productive Planning For Success Strategy Session with me. You’ll get clear on your prioritized list, a clear schedule of getting things done and peace of mind about feeling ok with letting things go!

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