Kim Ravida Blog

Mistakes are what makes you the best!

Do you hate it when you make mistakes?

You may be saying, “what kind of question is that, of course I hate it when I make mistakes.”

And you wouldn’t be the only one. As human beings we quite hate making mistakes. It makes us feel useless, stupid, maybe even unqualified. It may cause us to think others will look at us differently and that we may end up losing out on something we want because of it.

Looking at mistakes differently.

But what if I told you that your fear of making mistakes could be the one thing that is holding you back? Back from getting what it is you really want out of life, and/or business?

When we are afraid to do something, we rob ourselves of the sheer enjoyment of doing something new. Of proving to ourselves that we can do something we at first thought we couldn’t. Look, before you know how to do something, of course, it’s going to be challenging. And that’s just great. Because if it wasn’t you wouldn’t feel such joy upon doing it and even mastering it. Cool, right? You bet!

Mistakes are what make you great!

Take a moment and look back at a past mistake, one that you know lead to you triumphing in your life or your business.

As you remember that mistake, how did you feel after you overcame it? What did you learn from it? How did it change you? How has it continued to change you? See mistakes, if you can embrace them, have the power to bring you to the best version of yourself.

Ever said “I’ll never do that again”? Sure you have, who hasn’t? Well, that’s because you have learned from your mistakes. Remember Yoda’s teaching to Luke? “There is no try.” And that’s because you must do, whether imperfect or perfect. In order to get something done, you have to do it.

[Tweet “Do or do not, there is no try. -Yoda (Star Wars)”]

How will you embrace your mistakes to make yourself great?

In the event you are still a little skeptical, here are a few suggestions to consider and even try out:

  • If I do this, what is the worst that can happen?
  • If I do this, what will happen for me because I did it?
  • Even if I do this and it’s not perfect, I am still doing it.
  • There is no failure in trying, failure lies in not trying.
  • What if I succeeded in ways I can’t even imagine?

Can you see how there truly is never any mistakes or even failure? And that your fear is really just holding you back from all the greatness you desire?

So tell me, how will you embrace your mistakes to make yourself great? I would love you to share that with me. Simply post below and if you’d rather share privately, my email is Here is to your mistakes making your great!

Still struggling with this concept? Did it hit a nerve? Would you like to break through what is holding you back? Let’s do it! Sign up for a private 1/1 complimentary session with me and you’ll walk away with the one thing you need to have the success you want!

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