Is it time for a new mindset?

What causes you to feel stressed, overwhelmed or guilty?

So many women struggle with feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and guilty over everything they feel they have to do, but aren’t doing. And it’s not because they aren’t trying, they are, there just isn’t enough time for it all.

Many of my clients are women business owners who are taking care of their homes, families, running their businesses, and saying yes to just about every request asked of them. And not one of them have ever said “I’m so excited I have so much going on.” No, what I hear is “I’m so stressed out.” Or “I’m so overwhelmed I don’t know what to do first.” Or “I feel so guilty because I can’t seem to get things done.”

And the first thing I ask them is always this: “how do you want to feel?” Because you and I both know no one wants to feel stressed, overwhelmed or guilty. What I hear a lot of is “I’d love to feel peace of mind.” I just love that. And I also know, that they can get there. How do I know this? I’ve been in their shoes more than I’d like to admit. But admit it I will. It’s often something that helps others see that they can turn things around in their lives too.

Imagine that you can change how you feel.

Close your eyes and imagine what it would feel like if you could create the kind of life that you love, one that you can say “I’m so excited to have so much going on” and have it be amazing stuff that you truly want to have going on.

Do you have that picture? Can you see yourself in the place that you imagine? Great! Keep that in mind and take one thought that stresses, overwhelms you or makes you feel guilty and then let go of the stress, overwhelm and guilt.

Here’s how:

  • Close your eyes
  • Think of that one thought that stresses, overwhelms you or makes you feel guilty
  • Imagine yourself in a place that feels really great to you
  • Breathe in deeply
  • Breathe out and say “I let go

Notice how you feel in the moment. I bet you’ll feel better than you did before. It’s a matter of practice and remembering how you truly want to feel.

[Tweet “”Good vibes attract good lives” –unknown”]

Good Vibes Only

It’s easy to keep saying “I’m so stressed”, “I’m so overwhelmed” and/or “I feel so guilty” and it takes some effort to remember to choose to take a breath and let go. However, when you think and feel good vibes you will find yourself in a better mindset more often than not!

Have you given this a try and are still struggling? Is there something that is stressing you out, overwhelming you or making you feel guilty? Schedule a private 1/1 complimentary session with me and we’ll create some good vibrations for you right away! =)

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