Creating Time For What’s Important In Your Life

Time is equal. What you give your attention to is not.

Think about that for a moment. In the last 24 hours what did you give your attention to?

I keep hearing from my clients and the people in my life that they are “so busy” and “stressed out”. In fact one person is having health issues due to stress. She feels pulled in many directions. Her work, her family, herself (you see who is last on this list, don’t you?).

When I ask the question “what are you busy doing” I get silence or a blank stare. If you are so busy, why can you not recite what you are busy doing? Because you are busy doing things that are not important.

On the other hand, one of my clients is busy creating a new program for her business. Though if you asked her if she was busy she would tell you that she is productively working on her next program. And she’s not stressed out over it. In fact, it is energizing her.

What ARE you giving your attention to?

You have probably heard it before, if everything is important then nothing is important. Everything cannot be important. It may be urgent, but is it important? See, a lot of my clients when they first start working with me tell me that everything is important. But the reason they want to work with me is that they can’t seem to reach their goals, build their business and have a great life. Their attention is given to everything. They, maybe like you, put their energy, effort and attention into everything and wonder why they aren’t where they want to be.

So right now, get out a piece of paper and write at the top:  Things I am giving my attention to right now. Draw a line down the center of the page and on one side write my business and the other write my life. Then list out everything that you have given your attention to in the last 24 hours. And if you want this exercise to be really impactful, write down everything in the last week.

Once you do it, take a short break. Next, look at your list through fresh eyes. What is on there that is truly important to you? Can you find it right away? Is it at the top? Now, don’t be surprised if it isn’t 1) on there or 2) near the end. Or perhaps you haven’t truly figured out what is important to you and that’s causing the problem.

How to give your attention to what truly matters.

Take a deep breath. No matter what you discovered from the exercise above, it is all good. You now have awareness. And awareness in my book is THE #1 key element to being able to create the changes you desire.

Here are several steps for you to find out what truly matters for you:

  • Rate your list. On a scale of 1-10 rate how satisfied you are with how you spent your time. 1 being very dissatisfied and 10 being completely satisfied.
  • Write down your 8 or higher items. Maybe it’s time with your family or onboarding new clients. Ask why those are important and write it down.
  • Review the less than 8 items. Ask why you feel you needed to do (or need to do) those activities/tasks. Begin thinking, who else can do these or do I even need to do them in the first place (think, alphabetizing your spices or re-arranging your office supplies).
  • Pick ONE area in each of your category of business and life to focus on. Choose the one that you know will give you the most satisfaction, that if you were to spend your time and energy here you’d receive the biggest results.
  • Create your step-by-step plan to spend time in those important areas. Enter the time in your schedule/calendar and hold yourself accountable to focusing on it regularly.

It’s important that you 1) know what is important to you and why, 2) to have your roadmap in front of you and 3) hold yourself accountable in order to experience less stress, more results and lots of satisfaction!

What if you took just one step toward your dream? Here is an article I wrote about recently about rowing your boat toward your dream. Let’s look at it this way. Just put one oar into the water. Once you do that, you can put the second one in. Then you can begin to row, gently. After that, you’ll be on your way. How great would that feel?

Oh, I know this isn’t as easy! I’ve been there and I work with people just like you who have been there too. I’m happy to help you get to what is important. Set up a free 30 minute session and you’ll be able to create the time for what’s important in your life! Click here to be on your way.