
Just who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

Did you have to think about who you are? Or were you able to shout out exactly who you are? Did you have to think who do I think I am?

Finish this statement “I am ______________”.

A previous blog I wrote about faking it touched a few nerves. I’m glad. It got people thinking. If we all truly stood in our truth of who we really are, no one would need to fake, come up with an excuse or dodge people. Authenticity is a big word in the coaching industry. And lots of clients want to be authentic.

While this is a great thing to aspire to, many can’t even answer who they are. It’s not unusual, our world makes us second guess ourselves. If you said I am sensitive, you may think that is a negative. In fact, it is a true gift. If you said I am strong, perhaps you feel that people will think you are full of yourself. See, often we don’t know (or want to admit) who we truly are because the outside world has given us a negative message about it. One that forces us to hide who we truly are.

Are you trying to be something or someone?

I so love Coco Chanel’s quote “How many cares one loses when one decided not to be something, but be someone.” When I first read it I had to give it some thought. I wasn’t sure exactly how to interpret it. Then I realized that she is talking about being you.

How many times have you struggled with something that wasn’t “you”? And you knew it! You even may have said “that wasn’t for me”. Yet, you were doing it (or are doing it). Maybe you were doing something you thought would make you successful or would bring you something you wanted. Perhaps you learned that you had to work hard to succeed and get ahead. Maybe you just felt like you had to attain a certain status.

By truly being who you are, you can let go of worrying about what others think and truly be who you are at your core. No excuses, no trying to be someone or something you are not. You are who you are and it feels good.

[Tweet “It’s time to show the world just who you KNOW you are. -Kim Ravida”]

Just who are you really?

Go back to that I AM statement. Can you emphatically shout out who you are? Without excuse or apology? Can you stand it? If push comes to shove, will you be able to stand in that space and embrace it? It may take a little practice. Heck, everything takes practice. A champion isn’t born, a champion is made one practice at a time, one mindset shift at a time, one experience at a time.

My belief is that you truly do know who you are. You may just be afraid to embrace it. It may be scary to say it out loud. We do know who we are, we just feel vulnerable and afraid to embrace it for various reasons. Those fears are usually attached to what other people may say. We often have a fear of being ridiculed, being told “who do you think you are”, being belittled and so on. So we don’t speak up, we don’t embrace who we are. In my book, that is no way to live your life (I know, I’ve done it)!

You know who you are, now it’s time to show the world just who you KNOW you are!

Having been there myself, I know how hard it can be to own your own truth. Much less tell the world. You don’t need to suffer in silence, if you would like to step into who you truly are, and feel you need a little help, a little support, I’d love to help you. Set up your free private session with me to step into who you truly are (no excuses or apologies)!

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