
How to succeed in business by being flexible


Flexibility, do you have it?

Flexibility isn’t just for fitness enthusiasts. It’s good to have flexibility in all areas of your life. It will save you a whole lot of frustration, aggravation and disappointment.

In life and in business, one key element is to be flexible.

Let me ask you, are you someone who can easily go with the flow, change on a dime, shift in the moment? Or are you someone who struggles with change, can’t seem to keep up and often frustrated and disappointed with the results you are getting?

If you said yes to the latter, you need to bring flexibility into your world. And the sooner you can do that, the better. Trust me, having flexibility in your life and in your business will make things go so much smoother for you. And who doesn’t want things to go smooth?

[Tweet “If you can’t be flexible in life, you become irritable with life – Rubyanne”]

The beauty of being flexible.

Who wants to go through life being irritable?  I know I don’t. And I’m going to say that neither do you.

One of the best things about being flexible is that you get unexpected results, fun surprises and fascinating outcomes. And usually more than what you initial wanted. I’m all for that, aren’t you?

I recently did a Facebook Live on exactly this subject, you can watch it here. It’s short, under 15 minutes. It will give you some great examples to maybe use for your own. Are you cracking up over the still photo of me?! I am.


How to have more flexibility in your life and in your business.

Let me be clear, when I say flexible, I don’t mean lie down and roll over so that everyone can walk all over you. I mean you are able to shift gears quickly and easily. You are able to think and act on your feet in the moment and get results (and often ones you don’t even anticipate) and that you are not stuck on the outcome.

Here are a few ways for you to be more flexible:

  1. Think Ahead. If you want a specific outcome, brainstorm several different ways of reaching it. Kind of like a Plan A, B & C. This will ensure that you won’t get stuck on just one outcome.
  2. Look at the Big Picture. A lot of the time we can get stuck and inflexible because we are looking at the small picture. Look a the big picture, and ask: in the long run, what is the best outcome and what is the best action I can take right now. Another great question to ask is “will this matter to me in x hours/days/months/years?” It helps you get out of your closed-minded thinking.
  3. Be Present. Stay in the present and ask yourself, “what is the best decision I can make right now that will serve me well and I’ll feel good about?”

Of course, you may have some tricks that you use. If so, I’d love to hear them. You can either comment below or send me a private email at kim@kimravida.com.

One of the things that I love to help people do is to create simple processes to help them get what they want in their lives and in their businesses. If you’d like some personalized help let me know. Set up a free 30 minute session with me and we’ll work together so that you’ll be able to reach your goals faster, easier and better than before! Click here to be on your way.

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