It’s not all about the To-Dos.
One of the biggest surprises for my clients to wrap their heads around is that success isn’t always about the doing.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a big part of that. How else will you get things done. Right? I mean someone needs to take action on things in order to see results.
Yet it’s also about your thinking. As a business owner, how you think will have a huge impact on your success.
I love to watch the show The Profit. Marcus Lemonis is a master at creating cohesive, successful businesses. His big 3 are People, Process & Product. What’s interesting is the product usually can be improved pretty quickly. It’s the people and the process that often trips business owners up.
[Tweet ““I believe in people, process and product. But sometimes you just can’t change the people.” – Marcus Lemonis”]
How business owners trip themselves up.
If you have never watched the show, Marcus comes in and takes a look at all 3 pieces. People. Process. Product. What I have come to see on the show (and working with my own clients) is that these two can often cause the business to stall or come to a complete standstill.
See, it’s usually the business owner’s mindset about the process that gets in the way.
Sometimes they don’t like what Marcus wants them to do, or they feel it’s not going to work, or they have always done something a certain way and they don’t want to change it.
I work with a lot of business owners on process improvement and systems creation and I can speak from experience that it’s not just about doing something differently.
It’s about how the business owner thinks about doing something differently that can make all the difference. You know, in the corporate world, the leaders always look for the buy-in of the employees. If they are on board, then usually a tweak or a change is easily made. If not, well…let’s just say a lot of time and money can be down the drain.
Your way of thinking is perhaps the absolute key to your success in business and in your life.
What have you been doing recently (or forever), that you know isn’t working and that if you changed it you’d begin to see changes in the direction of what you want?
How to change your thought process.
No article or blog is worth anything unless you can implement what you learned. So, below are several ways in which you can right now change your thought process.
Ask yourself:
- On a scale of 1-10 (1 being no, 10 being yes), how effective am I in my business?
- If you want to be more successful, ask: How can I be more successful right now?
- What is one way (or thing) I could do that would bring me better success?
- If I were to change how I think today, how would that change my tomorrow? (Remember, your thoughts/actions/decisions today, equal your results tomorrow)
- I I were to improve my processes today, how would that change my business?
We often make things out to be super hard, and truly they are not. Just a few tweaks in your thinking can bring about massive success. Are you up for that? I hope you said YES! I sure am.
Let me know what you think and if you take action (see there’s the action everyone loves), let me know what you did and what your results were.
If you think that you may be the bottleneck to your success, be it your thinking or the ways you do things, I love to help people re-create simple mindset shifts and processes to help them get what they want in their lives and in their businesses. If you’d like some personalized help let me know. Set up a free 30 minute session with me and we’ll work together so that you’ll be able to reach your goals faster, easier and better than before! Click here to be on your way.