A funny thing happened on the way to the beach

Ripples in the sand.

When we first got Bruin, our puppy Bernese Mountain Dog, he loved to play. We’d take him to the beach to play in the sand.

One day I had my camera and was taking photos of him playing. By the way, there is nothing more fun than to watch a puppy play.

As I was taking photos I looked down and saw these beautiful ripples in the sand. Yes, the photo above is one that I took that day.

The ripples made me pause. They were beautiful, they created a pattern of sorts and they were oh so different.

Ripples in your life.

Just like the ripples in the sand, we have ripples in our lives. Things can often get messy, out of sorts and even fall apart.

We tend to view our life ripples as something to get over or to put behind us. In my last blog post I used a quote from Henry Ward Beecher “One’s best success comes after their greatest disappointments.” You can read the blog here. And the quote holds true for today’s message. Ripples in our lives are really us living our lives. We can’t have good without knowing bad. We can’t have happy without knowing unhappy. How else would we know if we were happy?

Debbie Ford wrote a book about this. I highly recommend it to you. It will give you some amazing perspective to see how all of our emotions are valuable, yes even the negative and icky ones.

Ripples in your business.

I’m part of an amazing mastermind group. During our meeting this month we talked about confidence. Confidence specifically as it pertained to being a business owner and what to do when we weren’t feeling all that confident.

One of my colleagues said we don’t just get confidence or we aren’t confident one day and that’s it. It’s something that comes and goes. Well, kind of like the ripples in the sand. I know first hand that there are days when there are no ripples in the sand at the beach and the sand is smooth as glass. So while all days aren’t going to be rosy in our businesses, knowing they aren’t permanent helps us to be able to take steps every day toward where we want to go.

[Tweet “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. Winston S. Churchill”]

In time this too shall pass.

When my cousin had her first child, he had to stay in the hospital for about six weeks after he was born. I remember her saying (and we even say this to this day), “In time this too shall pass.”

It’s the same thing with your life and your business. Tomorrow you won’t be where you are today. You just can’t. Things change. Your mindset changes, something you have been wanting shows up, something unexpected but great shows up. An opportunity knocks. You make decisions, you take action and your roll with the punches.

It’s all about the ripples of life that make our lives what they are.

And you know what, you have the power to either get caught in the ripples or accept that ripples will happen. And by looking at your ripples in a way that is positive and enlightening you free yourself to go where it is you want to go.

Bruin 9 weeks old

And if you are like a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, there is nothing holding you back!

Where in your life can you go with the flow rather than forcing the ripples smooth?

Sometimes it’s helpful to talk things over. If there is an area of your life or your business that you feel frustrated by, I would love to be that person to help you move forward.  Set up a free 30 minute session with me and we’ll smooth the ripples or we’ll talk about how to go with the flow better so that you can move on with your achievements faster, easier and better than before! Click here to be on your way. And if you need a little Berner love, Bruin will be happy to send some!

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