Disappointment sucks.
Yes, it’s true. Who likes feeling disappointed.
We spend so much time making plans, take action to make those plans come true and waiting for them to happen that when they don’t boy are we disappointed.
So yes, disappointment sucks. It doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t make us happy. I doesn’t make us want to continue on in some cases.
Getting over disappointment.
If we were sitting in a coffee shop, we could probably talk for hours over the disappointments that we have each experienced, endured or suffered. There are no shortage of disappointments in this world.
Yet, what if we could get over them and get over them easily? Would you say tell me how! There is a way and it’s not at all hard.
Though so many people will tell me, “I just can’t” and there in lies the problem. See for some reasons our brains like to go on and on about the negative things. And we often fail to focus on the positive ones.
In order for you to get over your disappointment: 1) acknowledge you were disappointed and 2) move on. Thinking that it couldn’t be that easy? Let’s take a look.
How to acknowledge disappointment.
First know that there are many ranges of disappointment. There are really big ones and really small ones. For our purposes today, I am going to share a personal example of what I look at as a small disappointment.
Second, know that how you view disappointment or whatever happens to you for that matter is in the eye of the beholder. It is all relevant to each individual person and how they feel about it.
I am in the middle of a move, my husband and I decided relatively quickly to put our house on the market and move. I told myself I could do both, manage the move and run my business exactly as I had been doing so. Well, much to my disappointment, I wasn’t able to do both as I had planned. And because I was focused on what I had planned to do and felt I could do when it didn’t happen, I felt disappointed.
[Tweet “One’s best success comes after their greatest disappointments. –Henry Ward Beecher”]
Moving On.
At first I was beating myself up over all that I didn’t do. I didn’t blog, create any fresh content, or look at email regularly. Nor did I look for new business. There were all these “didn’ts” in my head. Then I realized wait, there were lots of things that I did do. My clients got the attention they need, bills got paid on time and the marketing was taken care of as I do a lot of that ahead of time. So what if I didn’t do some of what I like to do regularly. It is what I DID do that I started to focus on.
When I took a step back and acknowledged that I was disappointed in what didn’t happen. I was able to acknowledge what did happen and I was able to let go of my disappointment.
Letting go of your disappointment leads to growth.
By letting go that freed up my mind and my feelings to feel better about where I was. It allowed me to think ahead. Something that we never can do when we are in a state of disappointment. It gave me freedom and peace of mind to be where I am. In transition and excited about what is next. Will I have other disappointments? Yes, and probably on the bigger scale, and that’s ok. Being disappointed is not a bad thing, it is actually a really good thing. If you never experience disappointment, how then, can you experience the thrill of accomplishment.
Your turn.
Where in your life are you feeling disappointed? Are you willing to acknowledge it, see it for what it is (which is really just information for you to grow on) and either begin over or pick up where you are?
If you are, I’d love to hear about it. Simply share your comments here or email me privately at kim@kimravida.com.
If help getting over your disappointments or acknowledging them is something you need. I can help you. Set up a free 30 minute session with me and we’ll work together so that you can move on with your achievements faster, easier and better than before! Click here to be on your way.