Just when you think you can’t, you can.

I can’t because….

Just when you think you can’t, you can.

How often do you hear yourself say “I can’t”… and the other word that follows is often …because…

  • I don’t have time
  • It’s too hard
  • I’m not sure I can do it
  • I can’t figure it out
  • I am afraid
  • It will take too long
  • It is too much money
  • And so many more I’m sure you can fill in the blank

I really could go on and on though you get the point, I’m sure.

We find it very easy to come up with ways to hold ourselves back, sell ourselves short and live lives that aren’t very fulfilling.

We have so many “reasons” why we can’t do something it would take days to list them all.

I once went to a conference with Jack Canfield and he said instead of saying “I can’t” say “I won’t”.

Such as:

  • I won’t improve my life
  • I won’t lose weight
  • I won’t increase my wealth
  • I won’t get organized
  • I won’t improve my relationships
  • I won’t find work I love

It takes a whole new spin on it doesn’t it. It did for me that day. And I’ve got news for you. For some of the things that I was saying “I can’t” to really was an I won’t do.

Well, well, well.

We’ll talk about that in the next blog but for now…

You are stronger, braver and wiser than you think.

And so why was that I asked myself. In fact, one was “I won’t grow my business.” I had been saying “I can’t grow my business” after a few things didn’t go as planned and I felt frustrated and thought I can’t grow my business.”

Once I said “I won’t grow my business” it was a whole new ball game. Or, business, if you will.

The “can’ts” come from lots of places. People in our past who maybe had good intentions and didn’t want us to “get hurt”, “fail” or “be disappointed” so they may have told us we can’t do something.

Yet, look at where you are today. Have there been things in your life that you thought you couldn’t do and then did?

Did you take an action even though you felt scared?

Did you emerge stronger just from taking that action?

What about making some really great decisions that lead to something even better than you imagined?

Yes, you are, as Christopher Robin says in Pooh’s Grand Aventure “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter thank you think.”

[Tweet “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin”]

How to believe in yourself.

First, say out loud, I am strong, I am brave and I am wise.

There, how did that feel?

Next, stand up and say it again. No, I’m not kidding.

What happened?

Then stand with your feet apart, stand tall and strong and (bonus points and faster results, for looking into a mirror) say it again with conviction.

Do you believe in yourself just a little bit more? My guess is you do. You may even be laughing and that’s ok. In fact that is amazing.

Your life, it’s all up to you. Are you willing to step into that stronger, braver and wiser you that IS inside right now?

I believe you are willing to do just that.

Now that you have embraced your true stronger, braver and wiser self, if you are looking for support and a little extra incentive to get to where you are going and need some coaching, I have just the thing for you. A 30 minute free session to lay the ground work to get going to where you want to be. Just click the link, to schedule your time slot and you’ll be good to go!

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