I won’t because….
In my last blog I wrote about how just when you think you can’t, you can.
And I also shared with you my experience when I went to a conference where Jack Canfield was presenting and he gave us an exercise that had us change what we said when we said “I can’t”.
He told us to replace I can’t with I won’t. Boy did that change things for most everyone in the audience.
First, when he told us to do that there was a collective gasp from about 500 people in attendance. Second, we all laughed, like “ya right, that’s not true.”
And then we did the exercise as pairs and you could hear this nervous giggling and murmuring around the room.
Because it WAS so true.
I won’t:
- get my finances in order
- make more money
- pay my bills on time
- improve my life
- exercise
- improve my health
- lose weight
- get organized
- make my marriage better
- make friends
- improve my relationships
Did you come up with one that wasn’t listed? I wouldn’t be surprised if you did. There are so many!
When we change I can’t to I won’t it’s a whole different ballgame. It changes everything.
You begin to look at things in a new light. This is good. But it also is a bit of a shock too as you now need to even do something about it.
A new spin on things.
I shared in the previous blog that for some of the things that I was saying “I can’t” to really was an I won’t do.
Which is the upside of shedding the light on the “I can’ts”. It’s where you can get clarity and be able to let things go.
Here is an example. I was saying “I can’t grow my business.” And what I really meant after I said “I won’t…” was that I was finding it challenging to do all of the things that I felt I needed to do to get to where I wanted to go.
Once I shifted the statement I realized it wasn’t that I couldn’t because let’s face it we all can do the things we WANT to do, it’s do we WANT to do them that’s the question.
I realized that my I won’t grow my business really meant I won’t grow it the way I had been thinking I had to.
So this helped me look at it all differently.
You do not have to do something you don’t want to do. (Because, spoiler alert, you won’t!)
When I did that it was freeing. It freed me to take a look at where in my life and business was I thinking I had to do something or do something a certain way when I could change it.
We get stuck when we are off our course. When we think we need to or have to do something. To do something a certain way or because someone told us to.
And when you don’t want to do something, you usually don’t do it. Then it turns into you feeling frustrated because you don’t seem to be able to get things done.
You begin to feel bad about yourself and you think “I can’t”. But it isn’t that.
So when you can say “I won’t do [insert what you won’t do], you essential give yourself the freedom to make a new choice. With the new choice, you get to say what it is you will do!
Doesn’t that feel nice?
Making success happen the easy way.
As I said in the previous blog, once I said “I won’t grow my business” it was a whole new ball game. Or, business, if you will.
The beauty of this was things became not only clearer, but easier!
Where might you be in the same boat? Is there an area of your life that you keep saying “I can’t”?
Go ahead and change it to “I won’t” and see what happens.
Of course, you can also then ask yourself “why won’t I” because you’ll more than likely get an answer that can help enlighten you to
[Tweet ““You must take responsibility for removing I can’t from your vocabulary.” ― Jack Canfield”]
Let’s do a similar exercise like we did in the last blog.
Use something that you usually find yourself saying “I can’t” to.
You are going to say out loud: “I can’t….”. Once you do, notice how you feel, what thoughts come up for you? You can jot them down or just notice what happens.
Next stand up and change that to “I won’t…..”. Again, notice how you feel, what thoughts come up? How did that change how you felt about what it is you said you “can’t” do?
If you had an aha or even a OMG moment, these are both great. The information you got will help you move forward.
Remember, your life, is all up to you. What are you willing to do to make it what it is you want it to be?
Sometimes what happens is you have this new found information and that’s great. But you can get stuck in not knowing what to do next. Once you have what you need the next step is to know how you move forward.
Sometimes though it’s not enough to have information you now need to know what you need to do next. This can be where people get stuck. If this is you and you would like help figuring what to do next and maybe how to do it, click the link, and schedule your time slot! I look forward to help you excel!