Life is for living, are you living your life?

Urgent or Important, where do you spend your time?

Where do you spend your time? Are you doing the urgent things in your life like putting out fires and jumping up every time someone asks you for something or you hear a ding announcing a new electronic communication?

Did you answer yes? Well, then you are attending to the urgent in your world and your life should be about doing the important to you (and your family) stuff first.

If you have ever read Stephen Covey’s book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, you understand the Time Management Matrix. It will also help you see where you spend your time.

It is in the Principles of Personal Management chapter. 

If you haven’t read the book, I highly recommend it. It is both a book for your personal growth as well as your professional growth. It is full of amazing concepts, thoughts and actions for you to try out.

What you do each day makes up your results so if you are running around putting out fires (and you aren’t a firefighter), it’s time to rethink what you are putting your attention on.

You actions and behaviors create your life, are you living the life you want?

How to make an impact on your life.

If I have a dollar for every time a client told me that they “had” to do something because someone else wanted it or thought that they should do something, I’d be rich.

In order for you to make an impact on your life, you need to impact your life and spent your time on you.

What do I mean by that? If you are always running around in the urgent section of your life, listening to and doing for other people how does that help you create a life for yourself?

How are you able to do the things you want? Or how are you able to take care of your wants and needs so that you are happy?

It doesn’t. Recently I read a blog and the writer said she wanted to “change her narrative” of her life.

She realized she had been living according to what she thought others wanted from her rather than what she wanted for herself.

In order to make an impact on your life, you need to take action that leads you toward your dreams, wants and goals. Yes, even if that means disappointing someone or having them be mad at you.

Are you living your life in a way you love?

I know, that’s a pretty big question isn’t it?

So…what is your answer? A long while ago my answer would have been no. It was actually a question a coach of mine asked me. And when I said no, she asked “why not?”

I had lots of answers, many of them focused on the external. Here are a few (maybe you recognize one or a few):

  • Everyone else expects me to do things a certain way.
  • My family will think I’m crazy (if I did what I wanted which was quit my corporate job and go to coach school and open a business).
  • There is too much to do and I don’t have time.
  • My credit cards are too high right now and I don’t have enough money.

She simply asked me “if these reasons were no longer true, and you did what you really wanted, would you be living a life you loved?”

I answered YES.

[Tweet “”Don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do.” —Ella Fitzgerald”]

Let’s live a life we love, shall we?

And that started my journey of eliminating a lot of my internal feelings (my so-called external reasons were really internal feelings) and external items. It also helped me see where I spent me time.

After I cleared all of that clutter I had space to breathe, to see things clearly and take time to begin to lay out my plan to live a life I loved.

Where are you so busy with the urgent that you forget about the important? What about letting each day go by and settling for a just so life?

For today, let go of one thought, feeling, emotion or physical item that just does not give you a great feeling (forget the spark joy for now, let’s focus on the things you really don’t like or want).

Then, tell me, just comment or email me privately at, what is one thing that you want to do, but maybe are hesitant, that if you did it, you’d start to live a life you love?

And tell me also, when you will actually do that one thing. It’s the best way for you to know where you spend you time.

And heck, I know this is simple but simple doesn’t always mean easy. So my gift to you is to spend 30 minutes with me to get started. If you want more after that, perhaps we’ll work together. But say yes to putting things in place for you to live a life you love.

Schedule a free Design Your Success with Purpose free session with me. Schedule your free 30 minute session now.  When you take advantage of my free gift to you, you help me live a life I love!


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