Is Your Baggage From The Past Keeping You Stuck In The Present

Baggage from your past can keep you stuck in your present.

There are lots of ways the baggage from our past can keep us from our future. 

You probably know that. I am sure I’m not telling you anything new.

Though, did you know that it also keeps you from experiencing your present?

In our lives we are constantly striving to get somewhere. As a business owner, you are always striving to get to a new level of growth. And that is in the future.

Your past not only defines your future, but your present. And it is in the present that we design our future.

[Tweet ““Keeping baggage from the past will leave no room for the happiness in the future” – Wayne L. Misner”]

Our present actions define our future results. 

You have probably heard the saying “what you do today, will result in who you are tomorrow.”

And what if you are carrying around the past? Is it possible for you to have the best today in order to get to tomorrow?

Or what about those days when you think or say to yourself “I’ll do that tomorrow, I don’t feel like doing that today.”

How do you think that affects your tomorrow? 

In my work as a coach, I teach a lot about clutter and how it impacts people in their personal lives and in their business lives.

I help my clients get clear on their vision so that they can create a clear path to get there. Almost always, that means getting rid of old baggage. 

In order to get to your future, your present must be clear of the past.

Clear the past to be present.

If you are stuck or finding that you aren’t getting the results you wanted or thought you would get, you need to clear the past.

Probably the easiest place to start is to take a look where you are right now. What are you doing? Are you doing what you need to do to move yourself forward?

Do you even know what you need to be doing? This is a common problem for many of the business owners I work with. They don’t even know what they need to be doing now to get to where they want to go. Calendar and schedule

Let me give you a quick example. I work with a woman who wants to start her coaching business. She keeps telling me that she has to get her website “just so” in order to do that.

Yet, she also told me that when she gets out and meets people they want to work with her. And it isn’t because she has a website that is just like she wants it.

It is because she is amazing and offers great value to those who need it.

After that, we cleared up her old thinking of she needed to have her website just so. It was a hold over mindset she had from her past that things had to be “just so” in her eyes before she could move on.

We created a vision of where she wanted to go with step-by-step action plans and a timeline for her to follow. She kept in mind when her old mindset may get in the way and committed to recognize it and let it go when it did.

In essence, she let go of that baggage. She now has a waiting list of clients that want to work with her, for her…not her website.

Be honest about what baggage is holding you back.

It is important for you to recognize your baggage. And when it holds you back.

Sometimes it’s mental baggage and sometimes it’s physical baggage. All result in clutter that keep us from being our best, doing our best and experiencing the best.

Several questions to ask yourself include:

  • Is this thought/thing helping me and how?
  • How is this thought/thing hindering me?
  • What is it I feel I need by keeping this thought/thing?
  • If I were to let this thought/thing go, how would that help me and what amazing things would I be able to do and have?

Oftentimes, you may need the help of a professional be it a therapist or a coach. 

Seeing your baggage clearly can be all you need to send it packing (yes, pun intended =).

Want help?

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. If you know a coach is what you need to help you let some of your baggage go schedule your free 30 minute session now. You’ll walk away being in the present with an eye on your future.


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