It takes courage to reach your destination.
In order for you to reach your destination, you must have courage.
All the planning and list making does you no good if you aren’t able to take the steps you need to reach your destination.
All the planning, the list making and wishing will get you so far. You must have the courage to actually take the action steps that come out of the planning and list making in order to reach your destination.
Are you willing to take a big breath, stand up straight and do what you need to in spite of any fears you may have?
[Tweet “”All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination.” –Earl Nightingale”]
Are you being a victim or a victor?
I love Earl Nightingale’s quote. It really helps you to remember that it’s not all about the doing, it’s about the being.
How do you know if you are being a victim? One of the tell tale signs is when things are happening around you that you don’t like. It means that you are being at the effect of your life.
You want to be at the cause of things.
It’s the cause and effect rule. You are either at the cause of things in your life and in your business or you are at the effect. And nothing good ever happens being at the effect of things.
When you notice that you aren’t at the cause of your life, you have slipped into victim mode. The best way to get out of that and shift into being in victor mode is to pause, look around and ask yourself “what’s one thing that I can do right now that will move me from here to there (where you want to go)?”
Then do it.
Sometimes things get in the way.
We all get caught up in being at the effect of things in our lives and our businesses. I’ve been known to jump into the deep end when it comes to personal matters. We are human, it happens.
I work with some great clients who are creating a life that matters and they too get caught up in the effect of things in their life and business.
Lots of times what they find is that there is too much going on, they have too much around them and they aren’t clear. So their boundaries get squashed because they aren’t being intentional.
When it happens, it may sound odd, but the best thing to do is not try to “fix” the issue. It’s to take a step back. Get things in order, get rid of unwanted thoughts, to-dos and things so that you have space around you.
Having space equals having clarity.
Have you ever worn a pair of pants that were so tight when you took them off you thought and felt “ahhhhh, I’m so glad to take those off”? And hopefully you realized that those pants were not ones you should continue to wear and you donated them.
That’s what it can be like when you have lots of thoughts, to-dos and things in your world.
It’s hard to breathe, think and be. In order for you to be able to cause changes, cause success and cause your life to be what you want it to be, you need to be clear what that is.
You need to design the road map for you to take. It’s up to you to get in the car, put your foot on the gas and go. And it’s up to you to remember to put the brake on from time to time as well.
Want help?
I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. I work with business owners to organize their thoughts, to-dos and things so that they accomplish what they set out to do. Which is to create a successful business for them to live a rich life. If you would like help with designing your own road map schedule your free 30 minute session now. You’ll walk away with a clear eye on you being at the cause of your own success!