It’s time to do a year-end review.

Your year-end review serves a valuable purpose.

As someone who wishes to succeed, it’s important for you to do a year-end review. It serves a valuable purpose.

It’s so easy to not see the forest through the trees and just keep plugging along, thinking you are moving forward and headed in the right direction, but…are you?

How often do you take the time to look back over time to see your successes and your not so successes?

  1. Always
  2. Sometimes
  3. Never

If you answered C, you are not the only one. My clients have told me that they never do it for various reasons. They don’t have the time, they haven’t really done anything yet, and many more.

Of course, you know when they tell me that it’s the very next thing we end up doing.

Once they do a year-end review, what do you think they discover? YES! They discover that whatever reason (ahem, excuse) they have told me why they haven’t done it was because they were afraid that they didn’t have any successes and didn’t want to look at their “failures”.

We all have successes.

No matter what, you have had successes along the way. Since it’s the end of the year, it’s a great time for you to take 15 minutes (see, not long =) and list out your successes.

List out big and small. They ALL matter.

My last blog was questioning whether it was confidence or competence to succeed in your life and in your business. Read it here.

It’s both actually but how do you know you are confident or have competence?

You pay attention to your successes. You have more of them than you know.  And you pay attention to your failures.

[Tweet ““It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.”Eckhart Tolle”]

Failure only means you took action.

A failure isn’t something to be swept under the carpet. Just like your successes, failures give you information

Let’s say you wanted to land a new client. The client chose another person to work with. You can certainly ask the client and gather feedback, but if you think of failure as bad, you probably won’t.

Knowing how and what to improve in your business is paramount to success.

My suggestion to you is to look at failure as a means to growing and reaching the successes you want.

You can’t move forward if you don’t get out there and if you don’t get out there you can’t have any results. Reframe how you look at “failure” as you are taking action and moving your business (and yourself) forward.

View your results impartially.

When you look at your results, it’s easy to first feel good about those you like and bad about those you don’t like.

Look at both the good and the bad as a way to help you improve. By doing this you are better able to lay out your plan for the future.

As the end of the year approaches, as a business owner, it’s important to know where you are going next. To plan for the new year and more specifically to plan quarterly.

All of your results over the past year will give you guidance and inside knowledge to formulate a clear picture for what is next to come.

When you are attached to the results, you are back to not being able to see the forest through the trees. Give yourself a head start. Imagine you are looking at someone else’s business and be impartial with what you see. Not good nor bad, just information for the future.

Celebrate your successes.

Of course you want to celebrate those successes you’ve had! Why not. That’s am important part too. To say “YES! I did this and I’m so excited for myself.”

You’d celebrate someone else, why not yourself?

In fact, do that right now, what is one success you are really happy about (business or personal) that you want to share? Go ahead and comment or send me a private email at and tell me what it is.

I’m excited to hear about it. And I’ll go first so you don’t feel funny doing it. One of my successes in business is that I let go of a lot of old training materials from coaching programs I took as professional development and helping me get started in business.

It was hard, because well, you know, “what if I needed those.” Yet, I’ve not ever looked back at them. Not only did it help me clear space in my office but it gave me even more confidence that I had the competence to do what I love to do, coach my amazing clients to reach their successes and work through anything they view as failures.

So what is the success that you want to share?

And of course, if you want help with your year-end review let me know.

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. I work with business owners to elevate themselves in order to excel at organizing their thoughts, to-dos and things to accomplish what they set out to do with great confidence and competence. We can use that time to help you get clear on your successes, not so successes and how to use them to get a head start for next year’s successes. Schedule your free 30 minute session now


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