How To Never Let Time Get Away From You Again

Time is on your side!

In my last post, Why time is not on your side, I talked about things taking way longer to do then you initially thought.

Click here to read it if you haven’t yet.

Today, I want to talk about how to never let time get away from you again.

I’m not going to go into depth on how we all have the same 24 hours. You have heard that before.

And yes, it IS what you do with those 24 hours that matter. If you read the last blog, you already know to add double and triple the time you think something will take to do. Gasp! I know.

Keys to using your time effectively.

Yes, there is a right way to use your time. Knowing how is the key to TOP Productivity!

I work with my clients to be high achievers and performers in their lives and in their businesses. And in order for them and for you to do that, focus on three things.

Three TOP Productivity Steps:

  1. Time. Know how much you have and what you do with it. In other words, what are you doing and when are you doing it. When you don’t know this, time will disappear on you.
  2. Organize. Here you take all that you are doing and put it into specific categories. Very much like you’d organize your house, you organize your what you do in your business (or in your life). Such as administrative, meetings, communication with others (in all the realms you use), deep work, research and so on.
  3. Prioritize. Now that you have a good handle on the time you have and your categories of what you are doing in your world, you then prioritize what you will do and when. At this point, you add it into your schedule and put it on the calendar to be done.

When you put the TOP Productivity steps together productivity become effortless.

If you struggle with losing time, I’m happy to help.

I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. I work with business owners to elevate themselves in order to excel at creating their very own TOP Productivity Process in order to accomplish what they set out to do with great confidence and competence. Schedule your free 30 minute session now