It takes time to be productive.
Productivity really means to produce. And to produce you have to well, get things done. That takes time.
How much time does it take to be productive? It depends on what you are attempting to do. Writing a blog post or creating a speech?
Are you are great producer? Do you easily complete the tasks you have to do for your business (even if you don’t want to do them)?
If you answered yes, I’d love to hear how you go about being a high achieving producer.
And not to worry if you said no. You are not alone. More than likely you have more tasks left over at the end of the day/week than you like. It’s the play from behind syndrome.
You feel like you constantly are playing catch up. And that is no way to be in your life and in your business.
How to play from ahead.
One way for you to not play from behind is to really be clear about your Time. The time you have in your day to accomplish all you need to do and the time it takes for you to do something.
In my 3 TOP Steps for Productivity system, Time is number one. You need to first how much time you have in your day to work. As a business owner you may sometimes feel like you have all day. And you may, but all day for what?
If you don’t take the time you have in your day into account, it’s easy to let things take more time than they need to. And it’s easy to “lose” time.
The previous blog goes into the system a little more, if you’d like to read about it, click here.
As I shared, the key is how much time do you have in your day, week, month and even beyond to do what you need to do.
You can’t be productive until you know this. Think about it, how can you plan your day without knowing 1) how much time you have in it to work and 2) what it is you have to do?
[Tweet “The time to do it, is the time to do it. –Kim Ravida”]
Time IS on your side.
When you know how much time you have, it’s easy for you to then organize in your activities. True, you need to know what those activities are and where they fall in the the grand scheme of what you are trying to accomplish in your business. That’s part of my system too, you need to know what your tasks, activities and to-dos actually are.
When you know that, it is easy to prioritize and to the get into the meat of your business and be productive. In other words produce!
If you are thinking “Kim, I don’t have the time to figure this out”, I say, you don’t have the time not to. The time to get things done is the time to get things done.
Time is a container and it’s a limited container. For you to succeed in your business, you need to know what it is you are putting (good and bad) into your time container.
You can only know that by taking the time to have a good look at where you are spending (or wasting) your time.
Need help with getting clear on your time?
I offer a free 30 minute Design Your Success with Purpose session. I work with business owners to elevate and excel themselves to greater productivity and greater success. In this session, you’ll get clear on your time so that you may use it for to get to where you are going. Schedule your free 30 minute session now.