Productivity Action Day 10 That Will Help You Be Productive

Day 10: Be productive, right now

Productivity Action Day 10.  How are you feeling since your Productivity Action Day 9 of thinking? Did you do it?

Your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 10, if you so choose to accept it is to:


Today, you are going to take the time to look back on the previous 9 Productivity Action Days and see where you are now and how you feel you are doing.

  1. Determine the time you actually have to work
  2. Take inventory of the Big Picture
  3. Do your Time Estimation
  4. Create the Small Picture
  5. Establish your Revenue Generating Activities and your Non-Revenue Generating Activities
  6. Calculate Time Precisely
  7. Use your Time Accurately
  8. Prioritization
  9. Think Tank Time

Each of the steps you have taken are leading you to your TOP Productivity Process.

All of which is allowing you to get the important things done for you and your life and business.

[Tweet “Productivity is a process. It’s only when we can see where we have been that we improve on where we are going –Kim Ravida”]

Questions to ask

  1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being not at all and 10 being I’m nailing it), how productive have you been in the last 5 days?
  2. What is one thing you feel most satisfied about moving forward or completing?
  3. Name one thing that has changed for you regarding productivity over the past two weeks?
  4. Which step (if any) do you need to revisit? Or which step has been the hardest for you to implement?
  5. How can you use what you now know and improve upon it?

Feel free to ask any additional questions that you think will benefit you at this point.

Productivity is a process. It’s only when we can see where we have been that we improve on where we are going.

That’s all you have to do for today. Next week we’ll talk about what to do with the answer you came up with from today.

And, I know you are going places!

I’d love for you to share your thoughts, your results or ask any questions you have. Feel free to post in the comment box or reach out directly to me at

Additional References for you

If we aren’t connected on social media, follow me over on Instagram where we’ll keep the conversation going.

Wondering how to get personalized help? Email me privately at

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