Day 12: Be productive, right now
Productivity Action Day 12. It’s a matter of mind.
You are more than half way to learning how to be mega productive with this series of actions you have been taking part in.
Maybe some of the steps were easy for you and maybe not. What really matters is that you are taking action and getting things done faster and easier.
Anyone remember the Six Million Dollar Man? We can rebuild him. Better than before, better, stronger, faster. That is you when it comes to being productive!
Your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 12, if you so choose to accept it is to:
Mind your mindset
Your mindset can make you or it can break you.
What you think about you get. If you think you are productive, you will be.
And if you think you aren’t, well, you won’t be.
I’ve written before about the Little Train story. You are just like that. YOU CAN!
Today, do a mindset check. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being I suck and 10 being I’m crushing it) how do you feel about your ability to get things done? In essence, how do you feel about your ability to be productive at this point in the game.
[Tweet “How you talk to yourself matters, be sure to tell yourself only wonderful things -Kim Ravida”]
How you talk to yourself does matter
Are you upbeat and generally positive with yourself or are you a gloomy Eeyore?
Do you say things like:
- “You have this!”
- “How awesome are you for being productive!”
- “Wow, look at you crushing these goals!”
Or do you say and/or think:
- “I suck!”
- “Why can’t I get anything done?”
- “There is no way for me to do all of this?”
How you talk to yourself, what you think to yourself and what you think about yourself is a big deal.
If you had a number less than 10, stop. Yes, right now. Stop.
Breathe. Stand up. Set your feet solidly on the ground, roll your shoulders back and reach the top of your head to the ceiling and tell yourself “I am amazing right here, right now on this day and everyday.”
And then carry that attitude into the next second, minute and beyond. Because you are. You are unique and special and you need to tell yourself that.
Out of everything you have been learning and doing, your mindset is the #1 key ingredient for your success in everything you do!
I’d love for you to share your thoughts, your results or ask any questions you have. Feel free to post in the comment box or reach out directly to me at kim@kimravida.com
Additional References for you
IGTV: Kim Ravida IGTV
Book: Mindset The Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D
See a preview:
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Wondering how to get personalized help? Email me privately at kim@kimravida.com
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