Day 13: Be productive, right now
Productivity Action Day 13. Finding ways to contain your time.
Missed a day? Click here for Productivity Action Day 10 that has links from the beginning.
Your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 13, if you so choose to accept it is to:
Contain Your Time
If you have been following along with my IGTV or YouTube channel, you have heard me talk about time containers.
A time container is the exact amount of time you have to get something done. Think of a Rubbermaid food storage container, you can only fit so much in it.
Your work and your day are exactly like that. On Productivity Action Day 1 you determined exactly how much time you had for work, that is a container. Then you got crystal clear on what you did and exactly how much time it took you to do things, that is another container.
In order to be productive you take both of those and you assign them to time containers.
The actions you specifically do for your business and your life. Such as your admin work, marketing, client work, focus time, think time (remember that?), and so on.
[Tweet “Be specific on what you do for your business, your time container only holds so much -Kim Ravida”]
Optimal Working Time
There is a lot of talk about finding your optimal working time. I agree with that, to a point.
However, there will be days that you just have to get things started, moved forward or completed and it isn’t in your optimal working time.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t work during the time you feel your best. What I am saying is that you need to contain your time and your tasks to the times you know you are at your best and the times you aren’t but still have to get things done.
Optimal working time is also a time container. It is valuable for you to know when you work best and if possible, schedule the work to be done in that time container for your best outcome.
Choosing Your Time Containers
Look at your categories and what you narrowed down on Productivity Action Day 4. You know exactly how long things take to do and you know how much time you have to work on the days you are working.
Take your actions and put them into the time you have. Viola, those are your time containers.
You know that on Mondays you spend time on administrative tasks and marketing. On Tuesdays you have client calls or you see customers and so on.
Using time containers gives you a specific time and space to be productive.
You can think of it like a storage container or a plastic slash pocket where your work is contained. You can only put so much in it before nothing else will fit.
I think you get the idea now.
Please feel free to ask any questions in the comment box or reach out privately to me at kim@kimravida.com
Additional References for you
IGTV: Kim Ravida IGTV
YouTube: Kim Ravida
If we aren’t connected on social media, follow me over on Instagram where we’ll keep the conversation going.
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