Productivity Action Day 16 That Will Help You Be Productive

Day 16: Be productive, right now

Productivity Action Day 16. Keep it going.

Well, we have come to the final week in this blog series. If you have been playing along, you have reached Productivity Action Day 16. There are only five of them left for you to take action on.

Now that doesn’t mean it all ends on Friday. It means that it truly has begun for you. Being mega productive that is.

So to start your week out right, your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 16, if you so choose to accept it is to:

When the going gets tough, get motivated

Have you ever heard or even said “I just need to be motivated” or “I am not motivated”?

Truly, those are excuses. When it comes to being productive, motivation doesn’t just strike.

Sure there may be times when you are excited to get things done. And then there are the times you aren’t. But it’s not just because you don’t feel like it.

It’s something more. Here are several that usually show up:

  • You don’t know what it is you need to do to get started.
  • The outcome is unclear.
  • It’s a boring task (taxes anyone).
  • There is an underlying (sometimes unknown to you) issue going on.

Keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list. There are many other reasons you may feel unmotivated. For today, though, let’s look at being unmotivated as something you can change as it pertains to productivity and getting things done. And have you reaching your goals.

[Tweet “If you wait to feel motivated, it will never happen. Motivation really is just getting into motion -Kim Ravida”]

Where your mind goes, your focus goes

On Productivity Action Day 12 you worked on Mindset. You learned your mindset can make or break you. Your mindset has a direct link to your motivation. And so does how you look at, think about and feel about what you are doing.

You may have heard a lot of talk about finding your “why” and how it’s key to reaching your goals.

For instance, if you have ever been around children, when they are about two they go through a phase of asking why.  They are curious, but they also want to know why it is they need to do something that they may not want to do.

Guess what? As an adult, you do the same thing. Finding your why is important and it is key. It can be a great motivator for you to start, continue and finish what you are doing. 

For instance, some whys can be very meaningful and deep as in, “I want to feel fulfilled in my work.” Others can be very basic as in “I will feel great when I have my taxes ready for the accountant”.

As a result, determine your why (big and/or small) to motivate yourself to get things done, especially when you seem to come to a standstill. 

Meanwhile, when you struggle with productivity and getting things started, moved forward or finished, list out why you aren’t “motivated” then list out your why of getting in motion again.

Above all, motivation really is just getting into motion. Your why can help with that. After that, it’s a matter of checking things off.

I’d love for you to share your thoughts, your results or ask any questions you have. Feel free to post in the comment box or reach out directly to me at

Additional References for you

IGTV: Kim Ravida IGTV

Article: Twenty Motivation Tips

Book: The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

If we aren’t connected on social media, follow me over on Instagram where we’ll keep the conversation going.

Wondering how to get personalized help? Email me privately at

Disclosure: Some of the links I have provided for you are my affiliate link. It costs you nothing but I may receive a small commission.  Thank you.

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