Day 18: Be productive, right now
Productivity Action Day 18. Creating a supportive environment for your ultimate success.
Your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 18, if you so choose to accept it is to:
Create an environment that supports you
Your environment is one of the key factors in your success.
The internal environment and the external environment play a roll in helping you be productive.
Today, we are talking about the external environment. On Productivity Action Day 17 we talked tools. Using the right tools for you to help with your productivity can accelerate your results.
The same is true of your physical environment.
Environment for our purposes in this series means, your working environment. The place where you regularly do your work.
[Tweet “Success is a set up, you need to set yourself up for success -Kim Ravida”]
Success needs a set up
A successful physical environment is set up so that everything you need to be productive is at your finger tips and/or within easy reach.
You have ample space to work, your space is organized for your needs, your electronic devices are in excellent working order, your planner/schedule is easily accessible, your papers are categorized and in places you easily access as are writing instruments and paper.
A neat nick you do not have to be, it’s most important that all of your operating supplies are accessible without having to spend loads of time searching for just one thing again and again.
See your physical space through a new set of eyes
Take 5 minutes and look over your space. Rate it on a scale of 1-10. 1 being “Unsupportive” and 10 being “Highly supportive”.
Any number under a 10 and you could use some improvement.
Look again and ask yourself:
“What is one thing, that if I did, I’d have a more supportive physical environment?”
Once you get your answer, go and make that change.
I had a client who when I asked her this question she said to take out her trash at the end of every workday.
It may not sound like much, yet it was the one thing (you remember that action, right?), that catapulted her to clearing up her space and setting it up in a way that supported her to bring in over $10,000 worth of new business in less than three weeks.
It’s ok to start small
So, don’t discount a small thing. Of course it could be a big thing too. Another client I had decided she needed a new desk and someone else moved her office from her downstairs to her dining room. She got rid of her dining room set as she never used it and her business took off to the tune of 10 new clients.
Yes, you could do a whole overhaul, but if you feel like you don’t have the time today, just look around and determine what one thing you can you right now, such that by doing it would make everything else easier or unnecessary in your productivity.
As always, share your thoughts, your results or ask any questions you have. Feel free to post in the comment box or reach out directly to me at kim@kimravida.com
Additional References for you
IGTV: Kim Ravida IGTV
Article: 7 Tried-and-True Secrets for a Productive Home Office
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Wondering how to get personalized help? Email me privately at kim@kimravida.com
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