Productivity Action Day 20 That Will Help You Be Productive

Day 20: Be productive, right now

Productivity Action Day 20. This is it! It is time for a celebration dance.

Productivity means getting things done. To be productive means you are producing results. And getting results is a big deal

Your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 20, if you so choose to accept it is to:

Celebrate your new found productivity

Before you do anything else, stand up and pump your fists in the air and celebrate yourself.

Celebrate that for the past twenty working days you have taken an action to improve your productivity. And more than likely you have produced results or they are very close and about to happen.

Celebrate yourself, the time and effort you have given to your business and your life. Be happy with where you are (even if it’s just a tiny bit in the right direction). No progress is bad progress.

I’ll say that again. No progress is bad progress. Even if you have had to start over. It’s progress. Maybe you learned what didn’t work, that’s valuable.

Even if you just read the blogs and haven’t yet taken action. Celebrate yourself for reading them (even skimming counts). Success takes time, small steps taken over time equals results.

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What is next for you

This is not the end. In fact, it is the beginning. I will continue to publish productivity actions, tips, hacks and information on this blog.

Reminding you to be working on your RGAs and reaching profitability through productivity.

Remember to follow me on social media. And of course, if you are looking for more personalized help, systems or private coaching and want to talk about what that would look like book time with me here.

There is no obligation, I offer a free consultation for you to figure out if working with me would be a good fit for you.

Thank you for coming along this journey with me. It is my sincere hope that you walk away with a tidbit or more to implement into your business to improve your productivity and of course, your profitability.

I would love to hear what you have to say about this series. If you would comment or send me a private message at it would be greatly appreciated. 

Daily Productivity Action Links

  1. Determine What You Have To Work With
  2. Take Inventory
  3. Estimate Your Time
  4. Create Clarity
  5. Establish Your Revenue Generating Activities (RGAs) and Your Non-Revenue Generating Activities (NRGAs)
  6. Calculate Time Precisely
  7. Use Your Time Accurately
  8. Prioritization
  9. Think Tank Time
  10. Check In
  11. Do ONE Thing
  12. Mind Your Mindset
  13. Contain Your Time
  14. Eliminate Time Wasters
  15. Ignore the Bright Shiny Objects
  16. Find Your Motivation
  17. Choose the Right Tool
  18. Create a Supportive Environment
  19. Ask for Support
  20. Celebrate Your Productivity

Additional References for you

For each individual action I gave you several additional references for you to help with your productivity as well as support you in moving forward.

This one is no different, although it’s quite personal. I belong to an amazing group called The Productive Woman. It is run by Laura McClellan. Laura is a lawyer, a writer, a productivity enthusiast, and a tech geek and much more! 

She is down to earth, you’ll find yourself shaking your head yes more times than you can count! She is honest and shares openly. There hasn’t been a podcast that I’ve listened to in the last year where I haven’t been grateful for her honesty. Listening and learning from Laura makes you remember you are not alone in this journey of life. As she says “go make a life that matters.”

I urge you to check out the website and her podcast (you’ll find recent podcasts on the link below). I chose to share one of her most recent ones because it was just so perfect for what you have been doing this past month. You’ll find that below as well.

Website: The Productive Woman

Podcast: Overcoming obstacles to getting stuff done

IGTV: Kim Ravida IGTV

As always, feel free to reach out to me with your thoughts, or if I can be of additional help to you in your productivity journey. Email me at or click here to schedule time for us to connect.

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