Productivity Action Day 5 That Will Help You Be Productive

Day 5: Be productive, right now.

Productivity Action Day 5. Whew, you did it.

You now know the amount of time you have to work and what you have been doing in that time (or not doing).

Today is the fun part. Well, it will be fun once you get over the shock of seeing it on paper.

Your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 5, if you so choose to accept it is:

Revenue Generating Actions

Get out your list. Next to each of your specific categories (make sure you have done Productivity Action Day 4‘s action) you are going to determine if it is a Revenue Generating Action (RGA) or a Non-Revenue Generating Action (NRA).

After you do that, you may have to pick yourself up off the floor. It’s shocking. I know. You will not be the only one who does things that lead to absolutely no income.

For now ask yourself:

  • what can I do less of?
  • how can I not do at all?
  • is there something I can do MORE of?

Don’t give it too much thought. From everything you have done so far (remember that brain connection), answers will appear. 

You may doubt them and you more than likely will not like some of them. Trust them.

[Tweet “You do not have to do everything you think you do in your business. –Kim Ravida”]

Be open to new thoughts and ideas

My suggestion for you is to be open to what comes to you. At first, we balk and think “I have to do that” and if that is the case, the question to ask is “but do I really have to do that?” 

If you still say yes. Ask: by doing this, what do I get from it?

There are so many more questions you could ask but for where you are right now, just continue to get clear on what you are doing.

As we go along and get into time organization and prioritization you’ll have a lot more knowledge, clarity and confidence over you and your business that you’ll find you make choices based on what you truly want even if they initially feel hard.

Well done! You have taken five Productivity Actions that are leading you to your TOP Productivity!

For easy reference, your first four Productivity Actions were:

  1. Determine the time you actually have to work
  2. Take inventory of the Big Picture
  3. Do your Time Estimation
  4. Create the Small Picture
  5. Establish your Revenue Generating Activities and your Non-Revenue Generating Activities

You’ve done well! Enjoy your weekend.

Next, we’ll move into learning how to best “manage” your time and your activities for TOP Productivity!

Additional References for you

Click here to go to the blog to see each of the previous blogs posted for your review.

If we aren’t connected on social media, follow me over on Instagram where we’ll keep the conversation going.

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