Productivity Action Day 7 That Will Help You Be Productive

Day 7: Be productive, right now.

Productivity Action Day 7. Did you take your action for Productivity Action Day 6 to calculate your time precisely?

If not, you do want to take that action today. Productivity Action Day 7 builds off of what you have been doing.

Your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 7, if you so choose to accept it is to:

Use your Time accurately

Yesterday you got super clear down to the second on the time it took for you to get things completed.

As a result, you have the true amount of time it takes you, right now, to complete a specific task.

Let’s say you estimated (Productivity Action Day 3) it took you 30 minutes to on board a new client and yesterday (Productivity Action Day 6) consequently, you realized that it takes you 90 minutes.

It’s eye opening isn’t it? Can also be eye popping as in “I had no idea it took that long.” And it could have also shown you where your process needed improvement among many others things you now know.

[Tweet “Knowing what to do and doing it when it needs to be done equals productivity – Kim Ravida”]

Here’s a quick story:

A client of mine knew she was effective in signing on new clients by going to her local chamber meetings (RGA). She resisted because she didn’t like to get dressed in appropriate clothing, drive to the meeting and interact in person.

Above all, she knew what her RGAs were and she went to the next chamber meeting. Within 30 minutes of her arriving, she had $5,000 of new business! And that new business would turn into recurring business over time. 

Therefore, if you factor in the time it took her to get ready, drive, attend the meeting, and talk to people, it equaled less time than if she sat at home trying to reach out and contact people online.

Goldilocks got it right

Because she tried a couple of things, she knew without a doubt what was just right for her.

Hence, look at the precise Time you take to get things done and ask yourself:

  • Is this taking too long to do?
  • How could I do this fast?
  • Is this the right amount?

Finally, once you know the answers you will make solid decisions on your time and how to use it.

Additional References for you

Video:  Goldilocks and the Three Bears

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