Day 9: Be productive, right now
Productivity Action Day 9. How are you doing on your Productivity Action Day 8 action?
Your Mission Possible for Productivity Action Day 9, if you so choose to accept it is to:
Build in Think Time
Say what? Yes! It’s time to actually stop.
You have been moving along nicely doing your 3 TOP Steps for Productivity Process.
More than likely you have been seeing results, things are getting produced meaning you have been productive and you are feeling great.
Now it’s time to take time to THINK. Let’s call it Think Tank Time.
Spend 5 minutes each day thinking about where you are, what you are doing and how you feel you are doing.
That’s it. Super simple, but not so easy to do. I know, I had a hard time with this one too as do my clients. AND it’s the single most productive thing you can do for yourself and your business.
[Tweet “Want to increase your productivity? Give yourself time to think. –Kim Ravida”]
Name your think time and place
Determine when you’ll spend your time thinking and where.
You want your time to think be away from your office or where you do your work. You could step outside for some fresh air, you could expand your 5 minutes, which by the way, you’ll be asked to do a little later in the process 😉 and go for a coffee or even take yourself to lunch.
Moving yourself out of your regular space jars the brain into action. It also gives it a chance to settle down.
Choose what time and where you’ll go to think and then just go and think!
Any question? Ask in the comment box or feel free to reach out directly to me at
Additional References for you
Article: Why Think Time Is So Important
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