Reaching your goals faster.
Reaching your goals faster requires you to rethink how you go about your day. What you will do, when you will do it and how you will do it.
During the month of February I wrote a blog series on Productivity Actions to help you to be more productive, make more money and reach the successes you want for yourself.
And if you took those actions, you may have seen an uptick in your productivity.
Still, reaching goals faster never seems to be far from the clients I work with. No matter how productive they are, they still want to get to the end faster.
How to reach your goals faster.
We all have patterns. We do things a certain way and think a certain way.
Have you ever thought to yourself “that person makes no sense.” That’s because you have your own thought and behavior patterns and they are not the same as the person you think makes no sense.
Stop to think that maybe you make no sense to that other person. Horrors! I know. Haha, seriously, the point is, we all have our own ways of being and doing things.
One of the fastest ways to reach quicker results is for you to take a look at how you are doing things and how you are thinking about things.
Sometimes just a simple shift in the way we work or how we think can make a big difference.
[Tweet “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. -Wayne Dyer”]
Be objective
What is one thing that you would like results in faster? Make more money, have more clients, be more organized? Write it down.
Write down what you have been doing so far that have lead to what you have right now. In essence, the results you have now.
Next, take a step back and look at this as though a colleague has come to you for help. What would you say? How would you help them?
Great, now that is what it is you will do in order get the results you want faster. What you would tell someone else is what you need to do. Remember we give the advice and teach others what we most need.
Be prepared for objection
You’ll more than likely tell yourself “no, I can’t do that” or even “that won’t work for me”. Tell yourself thank you and you are going to take this action anyway because the other actions you’ve been taken have not gotten you your results in the way you want.
The reason we don’t get the results we want faster is because we hold ourselves back. For many reasons, it may cost too much, we aren’t sure what to do, we feel inadequate.
You probably could name your reason. And if you can, congratulations for being brave enough to name it. Objections show up lots of places. Do not fall prey to them.
As Wayne Dyer says, change how you look at things and they will change. It’s impossible for them to stay the same. And it is impossible for you to stay the same.
Now that you know what to look at differently, do it and see how fast your results show up.
Need help?
I offer a free 30 minute complimentary session. Click here to schedule now. You may use this to help with your objections or to discover how working with a coach could help you reach your results faster.