The World Needs Some Peace, Love and Joy

Peace, Love and Joy makes our world go around.

The world needs some peace, love and joy. In light of what all of us have been experiencing around the world, I couldn’t write a blog post simply about how to be more productive. 

Tuesday was National Puppy Day. Who knew there was such a thing? I didn’t and I have a puppy!

Yes, he’s the one in the photo above. He’s adorable, right? He was about 9 weeks old here. His name is Blades and if you follow me on Instagram, you know he’s in my profile photo. Him and his brother, Bruin (shown below) help me remember that: peace, love and joy makes our world go around.

They are the light of my days. And bring so much peace, love and joy to myself, my husband and anyone who meets them. I thought maybe they would bring you a little bit of joy at least!

Find something that brings you joy.

Ok, I gushed enough. I know. What makes you gush? What lights you up? Is it your family? Your bestest friend? A pet? Or maybe it’s taking time to read a really good book, clean out a closet or (you knew this was coming) be productive!

No matter what it is, be sure to take the time to do it. When you do something that brings you joy, you find yourself in a state of peace.  Because no doubt, when you are doing something that lights you up, you can’t help but feel peace and from peace can come love.

Time on your hands?

If by chance you find that you do have time on your hands because of where we are in the world right now, I wrote a blog series on Productivity Actions to help you to be more productive.

Check it out, there are 20 actions items you can take. Start at the beginning and work your way through. A lot of them are layered so make sure you do at least the first five in order. Scroll to the bottom of the post and you’ll find links for each one.

[Tweet “Love is what makes the world go around. -Kim Ravida”]

Need to talk?

As a coach, I often help my clients navigate areas of their lives. If you are feeling stressed out, overwhelmed or even afraid, take advantage of my complimentary session. Click here to schedule now.

Sometimes having someone outside your world to listen and /or to help you figure out what is best for you at this point in your life is the best thing you can do for yourself.

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