Time to better your best self.
The time has come to better your best self. Time, it’s elusive. It never comes back. You can’t make it, you can’t find it.
Time is one of the most sought after “things” in life and in business.
Have you ever said:
- I need more time
- Where did the time go?
- How can I make more time?
Yes, and probably a whole lot more.
Time, like money, is actually just a tool we use to live our lives well.
Do you need me to say that last part again…live our lives well.
So amidst everything that is going on in your life and in the world, it is time to better your best self.
How to better your best self.
I knew you were going to ask.
Your time is the #1 thing for you to get under control. I talk a lot about that in my Productivity Actions series I did in February. I strongly suggest you read the beginning actions.
Set aside about 30 minutes in the next week (now would be good) and write out everything you were doing before you had to stop doing it all.
As you are writing things out, how do you feel about those activities, to-dos, and tasks? If you are feeling good put a smiley face at the end of them.
If you aren’t feeling good about them, put a question mark at the end.
Leave it for at least a day. When you come back to it, read it over and determine if you still feel good about those things you felt good about or did your feelings about them change?
What about the ones you questioned?
Does what you were doing fit into who you want to be now and into your future and what you want to be doing?
If those activities don’t, you simply do not go back to doing what you didn’t like doing.
So maybe it’s not that easy. And now you have very valuable information in which to use as you reenter your life as you want it.
Changing how you have been before and what you have done takes courage. It’s out of that that you are able to better your best self.
[Tweet “”Change equals self-improvement. Push yourself to places you haven’t been before.” — Pat Summitt”]
Use your time well.
So then, how do you want to use your time well? I like to look at time as containers that we fill.
Time containers are simply time blocks magnified. Too many business owners “block time” to get things done. What they do not do well, however, is being super clear on what they are going to do in those time blocks.
When you change the way you look at your time, such as using time containers, your time changes.
Look at your list, if you aren’t willing to give anything up, where will all of that go? Remember a container will fit only so much. After which, it is overstuffed and the lid will not close.
One of my clients is a business owner with three children, 6, 9 and 12. Yes, her life is busy. She realized that she doesn’t want to go back to the life they had been living before.
She now sees that being frazzled, stressed out and maxed out does not serve 1) herself, 2) her family and 3) her business. So she is making changes.
You only have so many time containers that can fit into your life what do you really want them to be?
Your action right now is to figure that out. Are you game?
Need help?
Do you want some help? Sometimes trying to figure out where to start is a stumbling block. Let’s clear that up for you. Schedule a free 30 minute complimentary session. Click here to schedule now. We can look at your list and talk through where you might be stuck on how to better your best self.