Be in control and in charge of your business.
As a small business owner, as the owner goes, so does the business. This is why it’s important for you to be in control and in charge of your business.
I adapted that from a saying I once heard: “as the leader goes, so goes the followers.” I’m not sure who said it but it stopped me in my tracks.
As a leader, if I’m floundering and failing so then are my followers. That could mean my staff or it could mean my clients. See how it has a big meaning?
It made me realize that as a business owner, I need to be in control and in charge of first myself and then my business.
In our world today where things change very rapidly and our feelings are often hung out to dry it is so important that as a business owner you are in control and in charge of your business.
What does being in control and in charge mean?
Above all, let’s dispel that being in control and in charge is a negative thing. It does not mean that you are the Devil Wears Prada. It means that you are the one making the easy and the tough decisions that keep your business running.
Things like, you are offering services to those who need it at a special price. Or you are hiring a new team member to help with your increased work.
Whatever it is, and it will be very specific to each business owner, it means you are in control and in charge of what is happening and what will happen.
Essentially, you are coming from a place of order. From there you will create peace and prosperity in all meanings of each word for yourself and others.
[Tweet “”Change equals self-improvement. Push yourself to places you haven’t been before.” — Pat Summitt”]
Taking charge inspires confidence for others.
As a business owner, you are a leader. Demonstrating being responsible for your business empowers others. Seeing you taking charge inspires confidence for others.
For instance, in the past, I was part of a networking group and somehow it turned into more of a support group. At first, I fell right into the “woe-is-me” theme that presented itself. Instead of creating connections, sharing business ideas, referrals and making offers, it turned into a meeting where everyone talked about how bad things were going for them.
We were in an economic downturn and as you can imagine, there was a lot of businesses affected. What I soon saw was that the other women business owners were being led to think about all that was going wrong and not about what was going right and/or what they could do to help turn their experience around.
After that meeting, I decided that I didn’t want to be in that energy. I wanted to show how (aka lead) by taking charge of my situation I could inspire confidence in others.
It took about two meetings of me coming from and showing up from a place of being in control and in charge (and yes I used those very same words to my group) to help shift that group. Soon the other business owners saw that they could also be in control and in charge of their experience.
I’m happy to say many of them turned their businesses around very quickly. They had decided to step into a place of taking charge.
How to have a sense of mastery over yourself.
There are so many things I can share with you to be in mastery and in control and in charge. One thing that I want you to embrace is to simply ask yourself: “what does it mean for me to be responsible for and to myself?”
Once you have that answer the next question is: “what is one thing that I can do that will bring a sense of grace and power to my business?”
You will easily answer those questions because you already have the answers inside of you. It’s through your Unique Brilliance that your answers and you will shine forth.
From there, you then implement business strategies, tactics and actions into your day-to-day operations, are able to look a little more long term and start seeing amazing results.
Remember everyone wants to feel successful. So first you feel successful and then you can lead others to feel successful.
In what way can you as a leader of your business inspire confidence for your customers and clients?
Begin now…
Need help?
Do you want some help? Sometimes trying to figure all this stuff out on your own can be challenging. I offer a free 30 minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now. You will walk away knowing exactly how to be in control and in charge of your business.