How to embrace simplicity with your marketing plan

Embrace simplicity.

I know what you may be thinking. If I embrace simplicity, then my marketing will be boring and no one wants boring marketing.

Embracing simplicity does not mean being boring. It means: the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do.

I am going out on a limb (but it’s a strong one because I’ve been there and so many of my clients have too), and say your marketing is not easy to understand.

In fact, when you speak your “elevator speech”, my guess is there are at least several people who think to themselves “I still don’t know what she does.”

And when it comes to marketing your business, it is imperative that you are easy to understand. So that your ideal people will know that you can help them.

Does that make sense?

So, what do you do? 

I was at a networking event and one of the participants (an attorney) had to leave. We knew each other and she said “Kim, I’ll circle back up to you to connect later.” When she left, another participant said to me “what kind of law does she practice?” 

I realized that I knew she was an attorney but I did not know exactly what type of law she practiced. And I didn’t know this because in all of my networking with her (yes, I had heard her speech), she never said it.

She would talk about how she is a lawyer, where her office was, how she could connect each of us with anyone we needed (ok, but what if we need you). And she never mentioned what type of law she practiced.

Trust me when I say that you want your marketing messages to be crystal clear and so simple. You want it so that a 5 year old could tell someone what you do.

Here are a few examples:

  • Not so great example: I work with business owners to be successful.
  • Better example: I work with business owners to be clear on their brand.
  • Best example: I work with business owners to know their brand so that they create an impressive, confident and authentic marketing plan to build a profitable business that makes money year after year.

Simple, to the point and now you know what it is I do. 😊

Ya but…

I can hear you now. Ya but…I do so much more.

Yes, and so do I. 

However, what you ideally want to do in your marketing is create simplicity.  I’m probably going to sound like a broken record. But on the off chance you have never heard this before:

A confused mind does not buy. Here is an article that will help you see this more clearly.

Not now, not later, not ever.

Simplicity is the way to go with your marketing plan. The beauty of it is it is focused, to the point, understandable and empowering. 

I love the part about empowering. It’s empowering yourself to be able to make things simple so you get to do many other things. Heck, your business is not to spend your time marketing, is it? It’s also empowering for those you want to attract because it will be so (yes, I’m going to say it…) simple. People will raise their hand and say YES! ME please.

Start with ONE thing.

So what it is you can start doing right now to create simplicity with your marketing plan.

Is there something you are doing that you know isn’t working yet you just keep doing it. You know what the brings to mind, right?

[Tweet ““Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” –potentially Albert Einstein”]

Could there be another action that you could do that would be easier and bring you results you want?  My guess is, yes there is.

So then, let’s begin there. Brainstorm several really easy ways for you to get the results that you want and begin to implement them right now.

When you do, an interesting thing will happen. You will begin to start to look at everything you do through this simplicity lens. Which is amazing. You can start to ask yourself something along the lines of:

“How can I make this even more simple so that by doing it, everything else is easier or unnecessary?”

And then when you know what that is, 

“What is the simplest one thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

Yes, it’s a take on The One Thing quote that reads:

[Tweet ““What’s the one thing you can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” – Gary Keller”]

And before you tell me “it’s too hard”, let me leave you with where else in your life do you say “it’s too hard”? Do not let your challenges define you, let your strengths influence you to make your marketing fresh, upbeat and uncomplicated to attract your ideal people right to your door.

Start embracing simplicity right now.

I offer a free 30 minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now to gain insight into how you can create your own simplicity in any area of your business. You will walk away knowing exactly how to create simplicity for yourself in your business (or in your life if that is what you need right now).

And in case you are thinking “oh right, this will be a sales call.” It is not, your 30 minutes will be spent on what it is you choose to use it for. I promise you I will not be selling anything to you during your time with me. That said, if you want to talk about how working together could help you become masterful at your business I’m all ears. I love to help business owners succeed and create order, peace and prosperity for themselves and their business.

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