Success is simple when you fall down, you get up.
When you ski and fall you get up. Why don’t we do that in our business and in our life when we fall down? Success is simple when you fall down, you get up.
Ok, maybe you are not a skier. I’m what you’d call someone who has skied before and knows how, but it’s not my sport of choice.
That said, I do know that when I’ve fallen down, regardless of how hard it is to get up, I get up like right away. And it can be hard depending on where your skis are pointed!
Before you get all, “yes, but what if I hurt myself, I’m not going to be getting up now am I?” on me, let’s pretend that you have not hurt yourself bodily.
When we are on the ski slopes and we wipe out, we get up. Sometimes it’s an easy up and sometimes it isn’t. Yet, we GET UP and usually as fast as we can.
Why then do we take so long to get up when we have taken a “fall” in our business?
The longer it takes you to get up, the longer it takes you to get where you want to go.
Success is simple when you fall down, you get up. No matter how many times, you get up.
The longer you take to get up, the longer it will take for you to get where you want to go in your business.
Success needs a setup. You aren’t setting yourself up for success when you are down and out laying on the proverbial ground.
Clients often come to me when they are on that ground. They have tried and tried and just can’t seem to get to where they want to go. And I often hear “I’ve tried everything.” When really what they have tried is a couple of things and so they stay down and out.
Are you like that?
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Turn your success around. How to get up and make it happen.
I am known for asking my clients “what is it you need to do to set yourself up for success when you fall down?”
That may sound rather negative. It is not, I assure you. It sets the stage for my clients (and now you, because you know the secret) to attain the success they want.
What is one thing that you feel you have or keep falling down on that you simply can’t seem to gain any traction on?
Got that one thing in mind? Ok, great. Ask yourself the golden question:
What one thing can I do right now to make reaching my goal of [insert your goal or the thing you want to do] easier?
In essence, you are setting yourself up for success. You already know what didn’t/isn’t working and now it’s time to focus on what will work and help you reach success.
Set up for success.
When you set yourself up for success, amazing results happen. Sometimes without you having to push so much. If you would like help setting yourself up for success, I offer a free 30-minute laser coaching session. Click here to schedule now.
In case you are thinking “oh right, this is a sales call.”
It is not, your 30 minutes will be spent on what it is you want for business and yourself.
If you want to talk about how working together could help you become more successful with your business we will.