How to Network For Amazing Business Connections

Networking for a purpose

How to Network For Amazing Business Connections.

Do you love to network? Am I wrong if I guessed you said “No, I do not love to network?” Many people hate networking. That said, it really is all about how you look at it. Therefore, when you look at networking as making amazing business connections it turns hate in to love (or something like that ;-).

Networking is really all about making connections that help your business and put you in a position to help other businesses.

I am a true connector. Making connections is a value of mine. So networking comes easy to me. Nevertheless, I know a lot of people, maybe even you, do not like networking. With this in mind, let’s look at how you can start networking with a purpose for amazing business connections.

[Tweet “Networking is really all about making connections that help your business and put you in a position to help other businesses. – Kim Ravida”]

Network with a purpose for amazing business connections.

Earlier this year, I joined a women’s networking group. I’ve been successful with it because I went into it with a purpose.

For instance, I knew what I wanted to give to it and I knew what I wanted to get out of it. I had a plan and I follow my plan. I’ve been able to refer business to a lot of members and I’ve been referred business as well.

As with anything you do in business, you must create a networking plan. If you are not a fan of networking, my guess is that you have not yet created your plan and named your purpose.

As a rule, it’s easy to do. I’ll show you how.

How to network with purpose.

As a business owner, you know that having a plan is a key element to reaching your goals successfully. Moreover, remember a plan is something that fits you and your goals, it is fluid and you will make changes to it as you go.

Here are five of my top networking tips:

  1. Define to yourself why you want to network. What is it you want to get out of it and what is it you want to give to it?
  2. Make sure you are in the right networking group. Do your research. What is your business and who do you help, who do you need help from? When does the group meet, for how long, what are the expectations that you will need to fulfill? Interview people in the group to be sure you choose the right group for you.
  3. Create your elevator speech. Be succinct, to the point, and informative. You will be introducing yourself formally and informally so be prepared. Make sure you state your name first, your business and how you help in an understandable way. Now is not the time to be cute or overly creative. You will be able to expand on what you do/how you do it and then some later.
  4. Show up and participate. Think of this as an integral part of your business. For people to get to know, hire and refer you, you need to show up and participate. You need to get known and you need to know your fellow members.
  5. Set aside follow-up time. The connections happen in between the meetings. Do not wait for someone to reach out to you. Within the week of your networking meeting reach out to one person and set up a one-on-one meeting to learn more about that person and their business.

Make it fun.

If the above sounds like work, well, it is. Building a business is work. That said, if you make it fun, it doesn’t have to be tedious. And if it isn’t tedious, more than likely you’ll want to do it.

Networking is part of your marketing plan. It’s a piece of your puzzle or pie, if you’d rather look at it that way.

It is a piece that fits into your overall plan to market. It’s called a TouchPoint. A point where you, as a business owner, reaches out to touch the world so that the people in it know you exist.

For this reason, people do business with people, consequently networking is one of the best pieces of your puzzle/pie to have for your business success.

Are you ready to love networking? I hope so. What is one TouchPoint you would like to do this week?

Set up for networking success.

Would you like help to create your networking success plan? I offer a free 30-minute laser coaching session for you to identify your ideal clients and create TouchPoints to reach them. Click here to schedule now

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