Simple ways to improve your marketing for better results.
Marketing is really a way to get your business out there. And a lot of small business owners and solopreneurs miss that mark. They think they have to create complex marketing plans, campaigns and social media presences. When what they really need are simple ways to improve marketing for better results.
When I say improve, I’m referring to improving what you are doing already that is not working or that is too complicated for where you are and what your end results are.
One of my clients was a tutor of high school kids. Now, her market is high school kids. But those high school kids are not paying her…the parents are.
So, she created a marketing plan that would attract the parents of the high school students she wanted to work with. And that meant she needed to be known in the school and in the community first and online second.
Marketing for better results.
My client built her tutoring business by word of mouth and referrals. Had my client spent time and money on a social media campaign first she would have failed miserably. She chose to improve her marketing for better results.
Here is what she did:
- Knew who her target market was.
- Understood who actually wanted to hire her (as in pay her fees).
- Started with in-person marketing – meeting the proper channels (principals, guidance counselors, teachers). Due to the pandemic, lots of her meetings were done via telephone and Zoom meetings.
- Created sound bites and one-sheets that showcased her abilities and the results she got for people.
- Designed a three-page website to be used as a “calling card/brochure”.
- Asked for introductions and then followed-up to create connections.
- Asked for the business.
Let’s look at this. Because she knew she was going to start with getting to know people, she could rule out spending a ton of time and even money on creating social media posts and ads. While those are great things to do, for her business it would have been an energy suck and a big waste of time.
At least initially. Eventually, she did add in the social media component when she wanted to take her business online and for social proof (that’s a discussion for another time).
Can you see how her simple ways of marketing gave her the results she wanted?
Putting it into action.
Ok, it is your turn. What are you doing now that brings you the most business and you have fun doing?
And what are you doing now that is just wasting your time, energy, money and that you absolutely think of as a chore to do?
My guess (and I know this because I’ve done it and so many others have too) is that 80% of what you are doing is not bringing you the results you want.
It’s time to do just “the 20%”. Yes, 20%!
[Tweet ““The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing.” — Tom Fishburne, Founder & CEO, Marketoonist”]
Finding Your 20%.
Marketing made simple is to do what works and what feels good to you. This is how you go from doing what isn’t working and what you don’t even like to do to find simple ways to improve your marketing for better results.
Oh, I love a good analysis. Don’t worry, this one is easy.
List out everything you are doing for your marketing. Here are some examples (remember, these are not everything – and they are in no particular order – that could be done, just a place to get started):
- Posting to your blog
- Promoting your blog
- Writing articles
- Creating social media posts
- Going on Instagram
- Networking
- Speaking
- Asking for introductions
- Paying for ads
- Creating videos
- Editing your website
- Having conversations with potential clients
Got your list? This is where you will get your metrics. Take a good look. You may need to look at your insights, analytics and such. What you want to know is: are you getting the exposure and the results you want from the exposure?
Remember, you need to know what results you want from your marketing efforts?
One simple step to improve your marketing is to know exactly what your end results are. And also, why you are doing what you are doing. And I mean specifically and measurably. As in growing your email list by 500 in three months to increase the number of leads you have in your database to work with more clients.
Here are things to consider:
- You need to know what you are doing that is working.
- What are you doing that is taking time but getting you a low ROI (return on investment – ie/time, money, energy, etc.).
- The specific outcome you want from doing what you are doing so you know if you have gotten there and how to course correct or change strategies and tactics.
Having this knowledge makes it easy for you to make simple changes.
Marketing made simple.
Marketing for a small business or solopreneur business does not have to be hard or complicated.
The one thing you must consider is what your goals are. Ignore what others are doing and create your marketing plan based on what type of business you are and who your target market is and where they are.
When you do this, marketing will become simple, you’ll be able to see better results and all of that will lead to business success.
What is one thing you can do right now to make your marketing more simple? Comment or email me at and let me know!
Not sure where to start?
Want to set yourself up for success in the upcoming months but you are not sure what your next steps are? I offer a free 30-minute laser coaching session for just that! Click here to schedule now.