How to get time on your side

time to plan

How to get time on your side so you feel that you have plenty of it.

Time can feel elusive. It’s easy to feel as if there is never enough of it, and with a small tweak, you’ll find there is plenty of it. Let’s learn how to get time on your side.

The good news is that this year is almost over. Depending on how you feel about this year, it can be a good thing or you could be feeling as if there still isn’t enough time to get to what you need to get to.

My work with business owners has taught me one thing, they like to be as productive as they can. And they like to do it in as little time as possible.

Are you like that? I used to be too.

The thing is doing things in as little time as possible won’t always work. The reason for this is that they are trying to do way too much in too little time. They haven’t figured out how to get time on their side. 

How to get time on your side.

What on earth do I mean by you haven’t learned how to get time on your side?

Tell me, do you know exactly (and I mean as in EXACT) how long your tasks take you? Do you know how many of your tasks you can fit into a normal workday so that you actually complete each of them?

I’ll give you an example, one client was frustrated because she felt overwhelmed with all she had to do to market her business. 

She was spending lots of time “doing” marketing yet never really felt as if she had a marketing plan.

We created one for her and still, the same results. She felt she just couldn’t get to it all because ‘there wasn’t enough time’.

We did an exercise where she wrote out her working hours, all that she was doing in those working hours including marketing and what she came to see was that she had too much to do and was trying to get it done in too little time.

See, time was not on her side and maybe that’s you too.

The way to get time on your side is to:

  • Determine the time you have to work.
  • Know what it is you do in that time.
  • Learn how long your tasks actually take you.

With that knowledge, my client realized two things that changed the game for her. She saw that she was not being efficient and that she actually needed more time to do the things that mattered to her business.

[Tweet ““Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” ― Alan Lakein, author”]

Your mindset is your secret weapon.

Like my client, once you see that you do, indeed, have plenty of time you’ll be able to get where you are going.

It’s also a mindset if you believe you don’t have the time…well, you won’t. And if you believe that you do, you will.

Take a moment right now and close your eyes, think about what really matters to you in your business. Not every small thing you do, just the stuff you do that matters and makes an impact. Imagine you have all the time in the world to do it. 

See yourself doing it, see yourself feeling light and free. Feel that feeling and now smile. You already do have time on your side, it’s just a matter of looking at it differently.

I’ve written a lot about this in my series back in February, click here to see the series. You’ll find a blog on doing a time analysis, following the revenue trail, being organized and so much more.

The next year of your business can be exactly how you want it, it’s up to you to take the time you need to get it on your side and have the plan to make it happen!

It’s time for you to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Make It Happen Planning Day!

Want to set yourself up for success in the upcoming year? I’m scheduling private planning days starting right now! 

Take the time now to set up your new year. You’ll walk away knowing your exact goals for your year, quarter, month, week and even days. You will know your end result and what you will do to get there. We’ll work together to create small do-able, actionable steps for you to take that gets you the results and achievements you want for your business in the coming year. Click here to learn more and to sign up. Keep in mind that you may need to scroll through the appointment calendar if the slots fill up.

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