Step powerfully into being a successful business owner.
What does it take to be a successful business owner?
It takes thinking and planning. When I ask my clients how much time they take for thinking and for planning I am often met with silence.
And then they answer me, “umm….none…”
Well, there we have it, a great starting place! I actually like to hear none because it’s one of the first places I like to begin with my clients. All of my clients get a Planning Day as part of working with me.
The thinking part they do mostly on their own and then we come together to plan what they thought about. See if you haven’t thought about what you want it’s hard to actually go and get it.
It takes courage to take time to think and to plan.
If you are in business, you need to be setting aside at the minimum, an hour a week as “thinking time”.
It may sound crazy and you may be thinking (yes, pun intended =) “I do not have time to think.” Very well, then you do not have time to have a successful business and you will use (as in waste) a lot of time trying to throw spaghetti against the wall to see what will stick.
You will also lose a lot of time trying to figure out how to operate your business so that it actually works and does what you want it to do…make money.
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Thinking time is vital to the success of your business.
I am a do-er. I like to get things done. Yet, I also am a jumper. As in I jump into things without really giving much thought to it.
Here is an example, early in my business I decided in October that I wanted to run a year-long business mastermind that would begin in January. So I jumped in.
When my assistant asked me when and how I would market it, I was the one who was saying “um….. I don’t know.” See, I never gave thought to that. And that year I wanted to take time off for the holidays but I never thought about the time I would need to talk with the people who were interested in the mastermind.
Since I didn’t think about any of this ahead of time, I ended up forgoing my time off that I so desperately wanted and worked throughout the holiday season to fill my mastermind.
I learned a valuable lesson that year, I need to THINK before I jump for things just like this. Also, thinking helps me be a better jumper.
It gives me time to consider, re-consider, plan and then execute in a way that is effective, efficient and successful. So rather than having to course-correct at every turn I give myself the time to think and then to plan it out so that I can execute it in a way that I want for it to be successful.
Now let’s look at another key component to business success, planning.
Successful businesses are planned.
I know that you did not start your business thinking you’d fail. But did you actually plan for your success?
Did you lay out the steps you would take in order to reach your success? What about a time-line for those steps? How much thought did you put into each large and small step that you would take to reach your end goal?
A successful business owner puts in the thinking and planning time that lead to the results they want for their business.
“Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.” –Marva Collins
You may have heard “build the plane as you go” and I believe there is a lot to that attitude. It means you create as you go. I have built the plane as I go many times.
Take me and my mastermind program. I sold it and then decided exactly what I would do with it.
And the one thing that I absolutely had PLANNED out was the exact results my clients would get from participating in the mastermind. And I knew exactly how many sessions, the times we would meet, how we would meet (and get this, it was before Zoom, so we did a teleconference!), for how long and what deliverables I would use.
I had taken the time to plan it. Which made it easier to fill and to deliver. Planning makes implementation and execution so much easier! It paves the way for results. Or put another way, for successes.
So while you can do some jumping (if you are like me) into things, by taking the time to do your thinking and planning ahead of time, you will reach your results easier and faster.
Thinking and planning allow you to empower yourself and others. The two allow you to be in-charge and inspiring in a confident, client-attractive manner. By being the leader, you are much more likely to lead yourself and others to massive success. What is not to like about that?
Thinking and Planning Your Business.
If you are hoping for a better 2021, start thinking and planning it now. I’d love to be the one to help you go from hoping to having. Sign up for a free consultation and we’ll talk about how you can create your successful business plan to build and grow your business to where you want it. Click here to set up time for us to talk. I look forward to meeting you.