business foundation

How to create a solid business foundation for you to thrive

Create a solid business foundation for you to thrive

Building a business takes time, effort and planning. Creating a solid business foundation for you to thrive is a key element to your success.

A lot of people ask me what I specifically work with my clients on. I’d like to share one of the things with you today.

I work with my clients to help them create a solid foundation for their business to thrive in the way of support systems.

Because when we have solid support systems that work in our business, it makes things more enjoyable and we are better able to be successful with more time to capture more revenue! đź’°

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Boundaries are fundamental to your business success

Support systems come in many forms and shapes.

Does the term “whack-a-mole” mean anything to you? Well, it does to my clients who are struggling to make things happen for their business.

One of those systems I use with my clients is boundaries. Let me show you how I am currently working with three clients to create boundaries in their business.

You may see yourself in one of the scenarios:

Each client brings a unique set of circumstances, beliefs and behaviors to the table so I work with my clients on “specific-to-them” solutions.

And each client has similar circumstances, beliefs and behaviors that keep them struggling.

I just work with them to create their own solutions that feel good to them so that they can have their business and their life, their way! And you can too.

One client needed to create set days and times to see clients.

Another needed to create a script to use so that she could comfortably wrap up her client sessions.

And the other needed to learn how much her business tasks took so she could schedule them so they’d get done.

I hope you can see how for each client, a boundary was created to aid in their success.

Create specific-to-you boundaries

Once my clients have these systems (aka boundaries) in place, it creates space for them to flourish and yes, capture all the revenue they desire! And what could be better than that?

As you build and grow your business, think about what tools you need both physical and mental that will help you earn money while freeing you from time constraints. 

See each boundary you put into place will save you time, energy and money. 

Your turn. Where are you struggling that if you created a boundary for it would allow you to thrive?


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