Reasons to step into your marketing plan authentically.
We do business with people we know, like and trust. As a service-based business owner, it is important for you to step into your marketing plan authentically.
What do I mean by this? I mean be yourself. Be genuine. There is no one else like you. You are unique and specially made. I mean, bring your specialness to the formula.
When I work with business owners who want help creating a marketing plan that works for them, so many of them tell me “I just have to do social media better”. Seems reasonable right? Until I ask them what they like about doing social media and they say “well…I really don’t even like social media.”
Your Golden Ticket!
AHA! This information is the golden ticket. It’s the golden ticket because it’s the reason why they have struggled with their marketing plan. If you don’t like something, why would you do it?!
Well, for starters because everyone else is doing it. And then there is FOMO (fear of missing out). But let me ask you this, just because someone else is doing something, does it mean you have to do it too?
I can hear you saying what your mother used to say (so annoying when you are a teenager), “if so and so jumped off the bridge, would you jump too?” Now, you may out of spite back then have said YES! However, as you stand now, as an adult you more than likely would say no or not necessarily.
And if you said no, it’s because you know it wouldn’t be the right thing for you to do. So let me ask you this, is what you are doing for your marketing the right thing for you to do and are you loving doing it?
If you answered YES! Fantastic. That’s what we want to hear. But if you, like my clients, are saying “I just have to do xxxx better…” that’s a sign that what you are doing may not be the best thing for you to be doing. And it’s time for you to do something you really like and enjoy. And that, my friend, is the secret to marketing authentically and putting together a marketing plan that is authentically you.
Marketing authentically changes everything.
A marketing plan is something you put together to create exposure for your business. That’s really all it is. What you plan to do, when and how.
When I work with my clients, we work with 7 important pillars. There are foundational ones and structural ones. Branding and Marketing are foundational ones. As you probably already know, if you do not have the right foundation things fall apart.
As you think about stepping into your marketing plan authentically, can you see yourself in it? Can you see yourself enjoying it? Can you see yourself excited about what you want to share? This is how to step into marketing authentically!
Using your energy to market authentically.
When you think about something you love to do or an experience you are looking forward to, can you feel the energy of it? The way you are looking forward to it. Think about an upcoming vacation or family event that you just can’t wait for! It’s that energy you want to have when you are creating your marketing plan. And it’s that energy you want to step into when you are implementing and executing it!
I’ll give you a real-time example. I sat down to write this and thought “I have no idea what I want to say…” I knew I wanted to write about marketing because that’s what I’ve been talking about lately but I was stumped. Then I thought about you and thought what can I share that would make a difference? And how do I want to feel as I’m sharing it. I decided I wanted to feel energized and helpful. And since that is who I am, I authentically stepped into that mindset.
Try it! Think of a mindset you’d like to be in. One where you are truly you. It changes you right then and there. Can you feel it?! I bet you can. This is what it means to be authentically you!
[Tweet “”The greatest act of courage is to be and to own all of who you are — without apology, without excuses, without masks to cover the truth of who you are.” Debbie Ford”]
Be courageous, let the world see the true authentic you.
Your true authentic self is what the world needs. It’s what your clients need. It’s what you need.
It’s a place where you are in the flow, feeling good, seeing amazing results. It’s the place where you can be each and every day. So often we act based on how we feel. I’ve heard “but I don’t feel like it…” a lot when it comes to doing things in business. There are too many women business owners waiting to “feel like it” and I believe it’s because they are out of alignment with their true authentic self.
It is time for you to step into who you really are, to shine in your life, if for no other reason than to feel good about yourself. Trust me, when you do, the rest will follow.
And if you find yourself wanting to create a marketing plan that only has what you love to do on it, then that’s a wonderful place to be!
You are onboard with creating that authentic-to-you marketing plan but have no idea just how to do it? I’ve got you covered! Sign up for my free gift of a Business Blueprint session. Why free? Why you? Because I am committed to helping service-based business owners step authentically into their business their way! Walk away with your unique-to-you, feel-good marketing plan!